What is Veritas?
Veritas Christian Study Abroad combines a traditional WorldStrides study abroad program with Christian mentorship, spiritual support, ministry service opportunities, and faith-focused academics. Students take unique courses with a Biblical perspective, gaining insights into cross-cultural ministry and global faith perspectives. Beyond the classroom, students immerse themselves in local communities, partnering with churches and ministries to serve and learn and are supported by their Veritas Mentor. This program fosters academic, spiritual, and personal growth while helping students explore their role as global followers of Christ.
Ministry Opportunities & Academics
Students work with the local church and established ministries while studying abroad, serving others in the host community. Students will get a broader understanding of the joys and challenges of cross-cultural ministry. Engaging with the local community also provides unique immersion and perspective of their host culture.
To further enrich the study abroad experience, semester and summer Veritas Christian Study Abroad students also explore faith and life abroad through an additional course taught from a Biblical worldview. In addition to being a full-time student at a host institution abroad, semester students take a 3-credit Comparative Religions or Global Ministry Practicum course and summer students a 1-credit Global Ministry Practicum course.
Our Values
Veritas Christian Study Abroad is an inter-denominational study abroad program committed to helping students become culturally-aware people of faith who recognize their opportunities to live as global followers of Christ. We affirm the Apostle's Creed as a historically understood statement of basic Christian beliefs. Veritas Christian Study Abroad is not a church. We strive to help students identify a church home while abroad that honors and fosters their identity as a follower of Christ.
Veritas Courses
Denominational Affiliation
Frequently Asked Questions
Students on Veritas Christian Study Abroad programs come from diverse Christian backgrounds and a variety of college experiences: some from private or Christian universities and others from secular or state universities.
If you have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to our team by phone (+1(512)480-8522) or email (info@veritasabroad.com).
Program Inclusions
On a Veritas program, students receive on-site spiritual support from a Veritas Mentor who helps make their time abroad a spiritually engaging and growing experience. Their Veritas Mentor also engages students in Christian community through connecting them with a local church and other ministry opportunities.

Comprehensive Advising and Support

24-Hour Emergency

Comprehensive Health, Safety, and Security Support

Airport Reception

Visa Support

Tuition at the Host University


Bridging Cultures Orientation

Full-Time Resident Staff

On-Site ISA Offices

Internet Access

ISA Discovery Model


Cultural Activities


Official Transcript from the Host University

Professional Development Toolbox