ISA and TEAN: Working Together

TEAN and ISA have been collaborating closely since TEAN joined WorldStrides in 2018. With shared programs and offices throughout Asia and the Pacific, we have spent the last two years aligning our on-site teams, our health and safety practices, academic oversight, and more. In this next phase of our partnership, we will be transitioning ISA’s existing programs in Asia and the Pacific to TEAN management. This change will allow us to better leverage the strengths of both divisions to best serve our students and partners, with programs in Asia Pacific benefitting from TEAN’s long held expertise in those regions, and ISA focusing on its roots in Europe and Latin America, as well as continued programming in Africa

We recognize that this change may impact how some universities administer programs on their campuses. We have done our best to anticipate your needs as best we can and are committed to helping you make this transition as seamless as possible. Below you will find a list of frequently asked questions to help guide you through all the little elements of this shift. If you can’t find your answer below, please reach out to your ISA Regional Director or TEAN Regional Director.

  • What is changing?

    All of ISA’s existing programs in Asia and the Pacific will transition to TEAN. This means that students will apply through the TEAN website and go through the TEAN enrollment and pre-departure process.

  • What is staying the same?

    The host universities, program offerings, housing, program pricing, and the on-site staff all remain the same, managed under the TEAN name. There will be some minor tweaks to things like on-site activities as we continue to improve our programming.

  • When is this happening?

    All ISA Asia Pacific programs are already available on the TEAN website, but may have a different program name. You can easily find the programs by country or city via the TEAN Program Finder. ISA will continue to accept applications for all Fall 2021 programs in Asia and the Pacific, but all Spring 2022 programs and beyond will require students to apply to TEAN for those program locations.

  • Do I need a separate affiliation or direct billing agreement to send students through TEAN?

    We can use your existing ISA affiliation and direct bill agreements and apply them to any and all TEAN programs as we are both part of WorldStrides and share the same EID (tax ID number). However, if your institution requires an addendum or new agreement, we are happy to provide you with one.

  • Will the Discovery Model still be used in these programs?

    Yes! TEAN will adopt the Discovery Model across all programs in Asia Pacific and will continue to utilize our learning management system, Schoology, to implement it.

  • Will I need to update programs in our study abroad directory?

    If you utilize a study abroad directory like Terra Dotta, Horizons, or ViaTRM, we can provide you with links to the equivalent TEAN brochures for these programs. Once you add the equivalent TEAN link, you can then deactivate the ISA brochure for that program to ensure you only have one listing up on your site for the correct program. If you have any troubles in this process, please reach out to your Regional Director for assistance.

  • How are Internships, Service-Learning, and Veritas affected by this transition?

    ISA Internships, Service-Learning, and Veritas programs in Asia Pacific will continue to offer the same placements and host community engagement opportunities. The programs will be operated on-site by TEAN, although the on-site staff supporting these programs are the same staff members previously working under the ISA name. Internship, Service-Learning, and Veritas practices, policies, procedures, and academic management (including for students receiving academic credit) all remain the same. TEAN does offer some additional internship sites that ISA did not previously offer, which you are also welcome to review and add to your portfolio if interested.

  • Will I have separate Regional Directors for ISA and TEAN?

    While ISA and TEAN will retain separate specialists within our unified team, we will work together to best serve the needs of your campus. If you've previously maintained multiple contacts for ISA and TEAN but prefer one, we can make that happen. In many cases, having one main contact has been preferred by many of our partners to streamline the engagement and make it a little simpler on your end. When needed, we'll bring in specialized expertise to ensure we are serving you and your students best.

  • Will the ISA website continue to list programs in Asia and the Pacific?

    Yes! We will begin redirecting all applications for programs in Asia Pacific to the TEAN website starting the end of July 2021, once all fall application deadlines have passed. Over time, we will reduce the amount of content on the ISA website for these programs and direct people to the TEAN website for more detailed program information. Program details will appear on both ISA and TEAN's websites through academic year 2021-2022.

  • Will the same Student Portal and Advisor Portal be used for both ISA and TEAN?

    Currently, ISA and TEAN have separate systems and portals.

    For students: Our team will provide access to the TEAN student portal when the student starts an application with TEAN or when an application is rolled over from ISA to TEAN for Spring 2022 and beyond. For rollover applications, any documents a student has already submitted to ISA will be transferred over to TEAN so they don't have to complete those forms twice.

    For advisors: We can set up access to the TEAN Advisor Portal whenever you are ready. We will automatically start adding you once you approve any applications to be rolled over to TEAN or once you give us the okay on adding TEAN programs to your portfolio. However, if you don't have access and would like it, please reach out to your Regional Director and we will make sure you are set up and ready to go!

  • Will students be notified that their application is being switched to TEAN?

    Yes! We will begin redirecting all applications for programs in Asia Pacific to the TEAN website starting the end of July 2021, once all fall application deadlines have passed. Over time, we will reduce the amount of content on the ISA website for these programs and direct people to the TEAN website for more detailed program information. Program details will appear on both ISA and TEAN's websites through academic year 2021-2022.


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