Art in France from the Renaissance to the Reign of Louis XIV

Institut Catholique de Paris

Course Description

1 / General objectives of the course:

Introduction to the history of art and the analysis of works of art; Discovery of the main French artistic movements of the sixteenth century and the first half of the seventeenth century (Renaissance-Baroque -Classicism); Discover the great French artists and their works, situating them in the historical, artistic and socio-cultural context of the time.
This course offers students who wish to participate in the cultural mediation operation "Young people have the Word" organized in partnership with the Musée du Louvre (November / December). The participating students are invited to discover three works of art to the visitors and share with them their knowledge of Art History. This experience fits fully into the curriculum and gives rise to a certificate provided by the Louvre.

2 / Pedagogical approach of the teacher

The teaching is shared between the ILCF and the Louvre museum where some courses take place. It is based on an in-depth analysis of periods and works, with the active participation of students. Thus, even outside the foundations of the history of French art, the latter are gradually led to acquire the tools of plastic analysis and the specialized language necessary for any artistic commentary.
Outside of the courses, the Louvre is therefore necessary to acquire knowledge.

3 / Supports:

Work from projections of images / DVDs on screen in theaters, alternating with field visits. (Exits at the Louvre Museum are paying for students over 26 years of age - except for those participating in the JOPs).

4 / Bibliographical references summary
- BLUNT Anthony, Art and Architecture in France, 1500-1700, Paris, Macula, 1983.
- AGHION Irène, BARBILLON Claire and LISSARRAGUE François, Heroes and Gods of antiquity, iconographic guide, Paris, Flammarion, 1994.
- CHASTEL André, French Art, Volume II: Modern Times, 1430-1620, Paris, Flammarion, 1994.
- DUCHET-SUCHAUX Gaston and PASTOUREAU Michel, The Bible and the Saints, iconographic guide, Paris, Flammarion, 1994.
- MIGNOT Claude and RABREAU Daniel (ed.), Modern Times: 15th-18th centuries, Paris, Flammarion, 1996.

- BEGUIN Sylvie, The School of Fontainebleau. Mannerism at the Court of France, Paris, Gonthiers-Seghers, 1960.
- CHÂTELET Albert and THUILLIER Jacques, French painting from Fouquet to Poussin, Geneva, Skira, 1963.
- CHASTEL André (dir), The Art of Fontainebleau, Paris, CNRS, 1975.
- BABELON Jean-Pierre, Parisian residences under Henry IV and Louis XIII, Paris, Hazan, 1990.
- BAILEY Colin B. and HAMILTON Carrie A., The Love of the Gods. The mythological painting of Watteau à David, Catalog of the exhibition organized at the national galleries of the Grand Palais in Paris from Oct. 1991 to Jan 1992, Paris, 1991.
- Poussin, catalog of the exhibition organized at the national galleries of the Grand Palais in Paris from Oct. 1997 to Jan. 1998, Paris, 1994.
- ZERNER Henri, The Art of the Renaissance in France, the invention of Classicism, Paris, Flammarion, 1996.
- CLOULAS Ivan and BIMBENET-PRIVAT Michèle, The French Renaissance, Paris, La Martinière, 1997.
- THUILLIER Jacques, Georges de la Tour, Paris, Flammarion, 2012 (1st ed. 1992).
+ Forney Library, Borough Municipal Libraries, BPI Center Pompidou + Library of the Louvre Museum, website of the Louvre Museum.

5 / Evaluation:

Note 1: Written examination; Note 2: Presentations (or for JOP students: participation note); Note 3: Final written examination; Note 4: Participation and Attendance. Each note (25% of the final grade) takes into account knowledge and expression in French. Attendance at table controls is mandatory to obtain the certificate

6 / Attendance, punctuality:

After two absences, the course will not be validated on the certificate.
It is up to the students to inquire (with the class delegate or a fellow) about the work done and the duties required.

Theme session
1. General presentation of the course - Analysis in History of Art: method and case study.
The French Renaissance: Historical Presentation of the 16th Century, from the Valois to the Bourbons - A Late and Mannerist Renaissance: Italianism at the Court of France
2. Definition of a new style - The castle of Fontainebleau under the reign of Francis I: study of architecture and decors - The gallery François Ier by Rosso Fiorentino
3. Painting in the Renaissance: The development of portraiture (Jean and François Clouet, Corneille de Lyon, ...) - The development of the École de Fontainebleau (Jean Cousin, father, Nicolo dell'Abate , …) (Louvre Museum)
4. Antoine Caron, during the wars of religion - Henri IV and the Second School of Fontainebleau (Louvre Museum)
5. Goldsmiths and sculptors of the French Renaissance: Benvenuto Cellini, Philibert Delorme; Jean Goujon; Germain Pilon (Louvre Museum)
7. The first half of the 17th century: the reign of Louis XIII
Historical, political and economic presentation - Urbanism and classical architecture, the time of renewal: Place Royale; Salomon de Brosse; François Mansart; Louis Le Vau
8. The Europe of 1600, from Religious Reform to Artistic Reform: Context and Challenges of the Counter-Reformation - Introduction to the notions of Baroque and Classicism (Louvre Museum)
9. Painting in France during the reign of Louis XIII: The French Caravaggio (Valentin de Boulogne, Nicolas Renier, Claude Vignon ...) - Rubens at the Palace of Luxembourg: the triumph of Baroque and color (Louvre Museum)
10. Simon Vouet and Philippe de Champaigne: at the service of Louis XIII and Cardinal de Richelieu (Louvre Museum)
11. The climax of French classicism: Nicolas Poussin - Claude Gellée dit Le Lorrain (definition of the classical landscape) (Musée du Louvre)
12. The naturalist current: Georges de La Tour - The Brothers The Dwarf, painters of reality
The second half of the 17th century: the reign of Louis XIV (1661-1715)
Politics and artistic propaganda: The Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture - Charles Le Brun and the French model (Musée du Louvre)
The royal shipyards: The castle of Versailles - The castle of Marly
14. Artistic debates around 1670: Poussinistes et Rubénistes - Charles Le Brun and the great royal decorations - The time of portraitists: Pierre Mignard, Nicolas de Largillière and Hyacinthe Rigaud (Musée du Louvre)
The sculpture and the great Versaillaise order: François Girardon, Antoine Coysevox, Nicolas Coustou and Pierre Puget - Conclusion: Art at the end of the reign of Louis XIV (Louvre Museum)

  • Course Name

    Art in France from the Renaissance to the Reign of Louis XIV

  • Sessions Available

  • Host University

    Institut Catholique de Paris

  • Location

    Paris, France

  • Area of Study

    Art History

  • Language Level

    Advanced, High Advanced, Superior

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units

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