Advertising and Communication

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Course Description

1. Ability for acquiring the knowledge of the operation of publicity in its group and in everyone of its parts.
2. Practice and theoric knowledge of processes and organizative structures of publicity, as well as of the processes of elaboration of the advertising messages.
3. Acquisition of the necesary competition for the analysis advertising campaigns, beyond its stetic
4. Capacity for the creation and realization of advertising messages: setting objectives of communication, define a target customers, setting the strategies, controling a budget and developing a media plan, working on them in the different medias.
The study of the social and stetic aspects which insists on the transformations of elements, forms and processes of the advertising communication.
Study of the general characteristics of new ad on the Internet and Tv. Characteristics of the media like advertising support. Increase of the offer of chanels, fragmentation of the audience, advertising saturation.
Study of the agents of the advertising system: advertising agency. The agency as a company. What's happening in the next years. The best advertising agencies in Spain, how they work, the most prize-winning campaigns.
1. Masterly classes
Fundamental concepts of the advertising communication. Production of advertising campaings and planning for
conventional and no conventional medios.
Competitions 1 and 2 (1,5 ECTS)
2. Practical classes.
Analysis and comment about one of the most prize-winning advertising campaigns ever.
Competitions 3 and 4 (ECTS)
3 Student's work
Study of the theoric and practic contents and of educational materials.
Competitions 1,2 and 3 (1,5 ECTS)
Elaboration of a project of advertising campaign.
Competition 4. (2 ECTS)
Final exam of the subject: 45% of the global mark.
Work / essay / Practic: 55% of the global mark.
The active and based participation of the student in the practic classes and guardianship will be valued in order to get a better global mark.
% end-of-term-examination: 45
% of continuous assessment (assigments, laboratory, practicals?): 55
- REINARES LARA, EVA MARINA Y PEDRO J. "Fundamentos básicos de la gestión publicitaria en Televisión",
Esic, 2004
- BRUJÓ, GONZALO "La nueva generación de valor", Lid, 2008
- SOLANA, DANIEL "Postpublicidad: reflexiones sobre una nueva cultura publicitaria en la era digital", DobleYou,
Barcelona, 2010
- MARTÍ, JOSÉ y MUÑOZ, PABLO "Engagement Marketing", Prentice Hall, 2008
- MEDINA, AGUSTÍN "Bye Bye, Marketing", Pirámide, 2010
- DE TORO, JUAN MANUEL "La marca y sus circunstancias", Carat Deusto, 2009
- SHIRKY, CLAY "Here comes everybody", The Penguin Press, 2008
- PELLICER JORDÁ, MAITE "Etica y estrategia publicitarias", Editorial Académica Española, 2011
- LOPEZ VÁZQUEZ, BELÉN Publicidad emocional: estrategias creativas, Esic, 2007
- HEATH, CHIP AND DAN "Made to stick", Random House, 2008
- HOWARD, SCHULTZ "El desafío Starbucks", Aguilar, Madrid, 2012
- ALONSO RIVAS, J.; GRANDE ESTEBAN, I. "Comportamiento del Consumidor", Esic, Madrid, 2004.
- DEL PINO, C. "Nueva era en la comunicación comercial audiovisual: el marketing viral", Revista Pensar la
Publicidad, nº2, Diciembre 2007.
- FERNANDEZ GÓMEZ, J.D "Aproximación a la estructura de la publicidad: desarrollo y funciones de la actividad
publicitaria", Sevilla Comunicación Social y Ediciones y Publicaciones, 2005.
- REGUEIRA, JAVIER "Big brother is dead", Esic, 2011
- MÉNDIZ, A. "Nuevas Formas Publicitarias: Patrocinio, Producto Placement y Publicidad en Internet", Ed.
S.P.I.C.U.M, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga,2000.
- NAFRIA, I. "Web 2.0: el usuario, el nuevo rey de Internet", Gestión 2000. Madrid, 2007.
- ARENS, W.F. "Publicidad", McGraw-Hill, 7ª ed, México, 2000.
- DEL PINO, CRISTINA, CASTELLÓ, ARACELI, RAMOS SOLER, IRENE "La comunicación en cambio constante:
branded content, community management, comunicación 2.0 y estrategia en medios sociales", Fragua, 2013
- LEJARZA, MIKEL Y GOMEZ, SANTIAGO "Televisores cuadrados, ideas redondas", Temas de hoy, 2013

  • Course Name

    Advertising and Communication

  • Sessions Available

  • Host University

    Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

  • Location

    Madrid, Spain

  • Area of Study

    Advertising, Communication Studies, Media Studies, Radio - Television - Film

  • Language Level

    Taught In English

  • Course Level Recommendations


    ISA offers course level recommendations in an effort to facilitate the determination of course levels by credential evaluators.We advice each institution to have their own credentials evaluator make the final decision regrading course levels.

    Hours & Credits

  • ECTS Credits

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units

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