Advanced Modern Standard Arabic II

ISA Meknes Study Center

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Advanced Modern Standard Arabic II

  • Host University

    ISA Meknes Study Center

  • Location

    Meknes, Morocco

  • Area of Study


  • Language Level

    High Advanced

  • Prerequisites

    This course is designed for students who have completed or tested out of a minimum of 5 semesters of college-level language. However, students must take a placement exam to determine the course level into which they will be able to enroll.

    Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations

    ISA recommends students enrolling in Arabic 302 to have completed the following in Al-Kitaab or the equivalent:

    Beginning I: Alif Baa + Lesson 1-2 from Al Kitaab, Book 1

    Beginning II: Lessons 3-7 from Al Kitaab, Book 1

    Intermediate I: Lessons 8-11 from Al Kitaab, Book 1

    Intermediate II: Lessons 12-13 from Al Kitaab, Book 1 and 1-2 Al Kitaab, Book 2

    Advanced I: Lessons 3-6 from Al Kitaab, Book 2

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    USF Code: FOL 4102

    NOTE: Summer session language courses structure will be condensed due time constraints.

    Course Description

    Advanced Modern Standard Arabic II is the second semester of Advanced – level Modern Standard Arabic. The course will expand and further develop the students understanding and effective use of Modern Standard Arabic, focusing on Chapters four through seven of Al-Kitaab (Part 2- 3rd Edition). The number of chapters covered may be increased if the students exhibit sufficient progress and proficiency in their studies to move forward.

    Please note that the first three hours of this semester are for a focused review of vocabulary and grammar listed in Chapters 2 and 3 of Al-Kitaab (Part 2).

    *Final Arabic language course placement for students with prior Arabic experience will be determined solely by their score on the level placement test upon arrival on-site in Meknes.

    Course Objectives

    This level will provide students the opportunity:

    • Initiate, sustain, and close a general conversation with a number of strategies appropriate to a range of circumstances and topics.
    • Sustain understanding over longer stretches of connected discourse on a number of topics pertaining to different times and places.
    • Discern some main ideas and information from texts at the next higher level featuring description and narration.
    • Extract information and to identify main ideas in a variety of authentic texts, including literary extracts, daily Arabic news on the Internet, and magazine articles.
    • Recognize the forms and conventions of language in text, in stories, poems, and messages

    Method and Approach

    In this program we will follow chapters 3-6 of Al-Kitaab fii Ta'allum Al-Arabiyya Part 2 with its DVDs chapter by chapter; we may introduce some changes if necessary.

    The student will prepare the lessons at home, do homework exercises on DVD, listen to texts, read vocabulary and write short sentences or comment about the contents of the texts. Classroom work consists of further practice and clarification of ambiguities.


    Examples of Class Activities

    • Listening to the texts in DVDs.
    • Reading and Comprehension of the texts.
    • Making a conversation with classmates.
    • Listening to songs or conversations between people.
    • Watching short documentaries and films.
    • Writing an essay or decrypting some situations.
    • Discussing a subject or topics.
    • Learning grammatical rules in context.


    Required Textbook (to be purchased before the program begins):

    1) Al-Kitaab fi Ta'allum Al-'Arabiyya with DVDs: A Textbook for Arabic: Part Two, Second Edition. Brustad, Al-Batal and Al-Tonsi, Georgetown University Press, Washington D.C.


    *For further course details in Arabic, please inquire with ISA.


Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.


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