Introduction to European Studies: History, Politics and Society

Université Catholique de Lille

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Introduction to European Studies: History, Politics and Society

  • Host University

    Université Catholique de Lille

  • Location

    Lille, France

  • Area of Study

    International Relations, International Studies, Political Science

  • Language Level

    Taught In English

  • Prerequisites

    To take this course, the students must have some ability to work as
    a group and for those whose mother tongue is not English, be able
    to communicate easily in English. The course is based on a mix of
    profiles and backgrounds for a more diverse international learning
    experience, which is why we don’t require students to have taken
    such or such specific course before but participating students must
    have a good general university level (from 2nd year of Bachelor / Undergraduate).

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    Course objective:
    The course introduces the students to the main issues of the European
    Union. It gives a broad overview of some current and classical themes of
    European integration. The objective of this course is to get knowledge on
    the main European policies, how the Member States deal with them and
    how the EU interacts with the rest of the world. At the end of the course,
    the students should be capable of naming the various institutions and competences
    of the European Union as well as the current challenges faced by
    the E.U. both within its State members and in the world.
    Through different topics, we reflect on how the European Union and the
    Member States interact and what part should play the EU in Europe and
    worldwide. Although since its creation the EU has undoubtedly achieved
    success and recognition, it faces today serious and complex challenges such
    as migration, policy coherence, terrorism, social problems, democratic deficit,
    extremism, economic difficulties, enlargement, to name a few.
    This course is then a unique opportunities to discuss with students about
    these successes and challenges.

    Continuous assessment (percentage break down 20%)
    Final Exam (percentage break down 60%)
    > Take-home exam questions and essay -1h
    > 2 exams Questions and Essays - 1h30
    Others (student participation…) (percentage break down 20%)
    > Participation and contribution to group discussion
    Group Work

    Session 1 European History: Is Europe a so new
    I. From the Greek Antiquity to the 21th century: a
    warlike History
    II. The European Idea through centuries
    Session 2 The European Union: over 60 years of
    I. From the European Coal and Steel Community
    (ECSC) to the Treaty of Lisbon
    II. EU governance
    Session 3 The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP):
    What’s at stake?
    I. Joining the European Union
    II. Success and challenges of ENP implementation
    Session 4 European Economy: Is there good news
    I. EU competences in economic matters
    II. Facing the economic crisis in Europe
    Session 5 The European Social Model: Still alive?
    I. Diversity and commonalities of European social policies
    II. The EU social policy
    Session 6 Human rights and protection of the minorities
    I. The protection of Human Rights through European
    II. EU competences in Human Rights matters
    Session 7 Populism in Europe: A common phenomenon
    in the EU?
    I. Political statement on populism in Europe
    II. Populist problematic at the EU level
    Session 8 Europe of the regions, a paradox?
    I. Map of the regions of Europe: A Typology.
    II. EU’s regional policy
    Session 9 Environment, a positive action of the EU
    I. The EU facing environmental challenges
    II. The EU and global environment governance
    Session 10 Is the EU a global actor?
    I. Governance of the EU external action
    II. External action of the EU: Case studies
    Part 3: European Societies
    Session 1 and 2. Education, training and youth:
    toward a multiculturalism society and beyond
    I. Erasmus program: what next?
    II. European cultures: is there a path to an inter-cultural
    III. European criticism
    Session 3 and 4. Building an Open Society, actual
    I. European cooperation: the way forward
    II. Democracy and citizenship: the European concept
    of power
    III. Minorities: places, right and expects
    IV. Religion and faith: are European societies so open
    as they pretend
    V. Migrations
    Session 5. European Way of Life: Two topics
    I. Enterprises and competition in a globalized market
    II. Consumers safety
    2. Content:
    - Back to summary -

    - Consolidated versions of the Treaty on the European Union and the
    Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (OJ C115, 9.5.2008):
    - European Council:
    - European Commission:
    - European Parliament:
    - Committee of the regions:
    - Court of Justice of the European Union:
    - Law of the European Union:
    - European Navigator:
    EU’s integration and regional policies
    D.Leonard, R. Taylor, The Routledge Guide to European Union, London,
    Routledge, 2016
    I Berend, The History of European Integration, London, Routledge,
    Europa Publication, EU Encyclopedia and Directory 2017, London,
    Routledge, 2016
    M. Cini and N. Perez-Solorzano (eds), European Union Politics, Oxford,
    Oxford University Press, 2015
    J. Bilbao-Ubillos, The Economic Crisis and Governance in the EU, London,
    Routledge, 2014
    Jeffrey T. Checkel and Peter J. Katzenstein (eds) , European Identity,
    Cambridge University Press, 2009.
    EU’s external action
    Routledge Handbook on the EU and International Institutions, London,
    Routledge, 2013
    J-U Wunderlich, D. Bailey (eds) , The European Union and global governance,
    London : Routledge, 2010
    C. Mude, On Extremism and Democracy in Europe, London, Routledge,
    M. Schmith and al., The Diplomatic System of the EU, London Routledge,
    L.Brenan, P. Murray, Drivers of Integration and Regionalism in Europe
    and Asia, London, Routledge, 2015.

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits are converted to semester credits/quarter units differently among U.S. universities. Students should confirm the conversion scale used at their home university when determining credit transfer.

Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations


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