European Union Policy Making

Université Catholique de Lille

Course Description

  • Course Name

    European Union Policy Making

  • Host University

    Université Catholique de Lille

  • Location

    Lille, France

  • Area of Study

    European Studies, Legal Studies, Political Science

  • Language Level

    Taught In English

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    This course will provide students with an overview of the main European policies and how
    Member States deal with them. Why does the European Union exist? How shall the Union solve
    economic, social, and environmental problems? Does the Union have enough competences to act
    on behalf of the Member States? How can we conceive the future of the European Union? The
    existence of this international organization implies a general questioning of its general purpose.
    Through different topics, we try to understand how the European Union and Member States
    interact. The European Union appears as a flexible organization according to different policies:
    among the 28 Member States, only 19 are part of the Eurozone, 26 only belong to the Schengen
    area, including Switzerland, Iceland and Norway, while the United Kingdom is asking to withdraw
    from the EU; on the other side, in 2015 and 2016, thousands of migrants from Syria and Middle
    East attempted to access the EU; on other legal issues, the Charter of Fundamental Rights would
    apply only partially to Poland and the UK and, ultimately, the Czech Republic; the “space of
    freedom, security and justice” does not apply to the UK and Ireland; Denmark does not participate
    in political advocacy, justice and home affairs, or the 3rd stage of European Monetary Union. 

     Class sessions will cover:
    - Multilingualism in the European culture: linguistic knowledge and recognition of the
    functioning of the EU law and the policies regarding multilingualism
    - European history: from Greek Antiquity to the 20th century and the European Idea through
    - European treaties from Rome to Lisbon, over 50 years of construction
    - The enlargement of the EU: the conditions to integrate the European Union and the current
    candidates States in 2017
    - Economic crisis: the EU competences in economic matters and the appropriate European
    measures to solve the economic crisis
    - Human rights & protection of minorities through European institutions and EU competences in
    Human Rights matters
    - Populism in Europe: political statement on populism in Europe at the EU level
    - Europe of the regions
    - Environment in the EU: environmental challenges and the Implementation of environmental
    - Evaluation and wrap up
    The course also includes a visit to the Parlamentarium in Brussels, Belgium, to learn more about
    history, EU competences, and current challenges.

    Learning Outcomes:
    At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
    - identify the different frameworks of European Union, Euro zone, Schengen area
    - identify the most important facts of integration, the main European policies, and the ways in
    which Member States deal with them
    - utilize some of the major EU legal and regulatory acts
    - explain the roles and influences of the various institutions and competences of the European
    Union versus the States
    - identify and analyse some of the main challenges faced by the EU

    Lecture, discussion, case studies, sharing of experiences, debates

    All course materials will be supplied in class. References may be made to the following resources:
    - Consolidated versions of the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of
    the European Union (OJ C115, 9.5.2008):
    - European Council:
    - European Commission:
    - European Parliament:
    - Committee of the regions:
    - Court of Justice of the European Union:
    - Law of the European Union:
    - European Navigator:

    - Catherine BARNARD, The substantive law of the EU: the four freedoms, Oxford; New York;
    Auckland [etc.]: Oxford University Press, cop. 2016, 728 p.
    - Ian BACHE, Simon BULMER, Stephen GEORGE, Politics in the European Union, Oxford University
    Press, 2014
    - Damian CHALMERS, Gareth DAVIES, Giorgio MONTI, European Union Law: Cases and Materials,
    Cambridge University Press, 2nd Revised edition, 2010
    - Paul CRAIG and Gráinne DE BÚRCA, EU law: text, cases, and materials, Oxford : Oxford University
    Press, 2011, 1155 p.
    - Maurice CROISAT, Le fédéralisme en Europe, Montchestien éd., 2010, 158 p.
    - Alan DASHWOOD, Derrick WYATT e.a., European Union Law, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 6th ed.,
    2011, 1224 p.
    - Bruno DE WITTE, Mark DAWSON, Elise MUIR, Judicial Activism at the European Court of Justice,
    Edward Elgar Pub, 2013
    - Nigel Foster, EU law, Oxford UK: Oxford University Press, 2014, 527 p.
    - Pierre GERBET, La construction de l’Europe, 4e éd., A. Colin, 2007, 580 p.
    - Herwig C.H. HOFMAN, Gerard C. ROWE, Alexander H. TÜRK, Administrative Law and Policy of the
    European Union, OUP Oxford, 2011
    - Jean-Paul JACQUE, Droit institutionnel de l’Union européenne, 6e éd., 2010, Dalloz, 757 p.
    - Emilia MISCENIC, Aurélien RACCAH, Legal Risks in EU Law, Springer International, 2016, 256 p.
    - Miguel POIARES MADURO and Loïc AZOULAI, The past and future of EU law: the classics of EU
    law revisited on the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty, Oxford: Hart, 2010, 512 p.
    - Aurélien RACCAH, Le traité de Lisbonne : de nouvelles compétences pour l’Union européenne?
    L’Harmattan, avril 2012, 240 p.
    - Jean-Luc SAURON, Comprendre le Traité de Lisbonne, Gualino éditeur, 2008, 351 p.
    - Jürgen SCHWARZE, EU-Kommentar, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Baden-Baden, 2000, 2660 p.
    - Stephen Weatherill, Cases and materials on EU law, Oxford ; New York : Auckland [etc.] : Oxford
    UP, 2014, 643 p.
    - Joseph WEILER, The Constitution of Europe: Essays on the Ends and Means of European
    Integration, Cambridge University Press, 1999 
    - Joseph H. H. WEILER, “The Transformation of Europe,” The Yale Law Journal, Vol. 100, No. 8,
    Symposium: International Law (Jun., 1991), pp. 2403-2483
    - Antje WIENER and Thomas DIEZ, European Integration Theory, OUP Oxford, 2nd ed., 2009
    - Jacques ZILLER (dir.), L’Union européenne, Edition Traité de Lisbonne, La Documentation
    française, Les notices, 2008, 215 p. 

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits are converted to semester credits/quarter units differently among U.S. universities. Students should confirm the conversion scale used at their home university when determining credit transfer.

Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations


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