Course Description
Course Name
How to Live in France
Host University
Institut Catholique de Paris
Paris, France
Area of Study
European Studies
Language Level
High Beginning, Low Intermediate
Contact Hours
126 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits9
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units14
Hours & Credits
- Allow a practical approach to daily life in France: French lifestyle, habits and behaviors
- Provide cues to better understand the current French society
- Provide practical information
- To reflect on French culture and student
- To enrich their vocabulary and acquire own lexicon with themes.SUPPORTING MATERIALS
A thematic brochure will be provided at each session: summary of the course, photographs and illustrations, exercises and group activities, Short texts, press articles, small items, authentic documents (audio and video)EVALUATION
- Note 1: control of knowledge
- Note 2: a table of control
- Note 3: a presentation on oral intercultural and having an aspect of the culture of the student (comparisons, differences, similarities)
- A class participation grade (attendance, responsiveness, initiative, appropriateness of interventions)
Each note takes into account the knowledge and expression in French.
The presence on the table controls is required to obtain the certificate.ATTENDANCE, PUNCTUALITY
In addition, the attendance certificate can not be awarded.
In case of absence or delay, notify the teacher and the secretariat. Present proof upon return to class. It is for you to educate yourself (with the delegate of the class or (e) friend) on the work and duties requested.
sessions Themes
1 The metropolitan France and overseas
2 Paris and Ile-de-France
3 French language and Francophonie, stereotypes about French
4 The calendar, festivals
5 Health, the medical system
6 Recreation: sports and cultural activities, leisure, holiday
7 The French Table: food, habits, manners
8 The school, higher education, student life
9 The world of work
10 Housing: rent a room, apartment
11 The media: press, television, radio
12 Practical information
13 Displacement: transport and other means of transport
14 Money: income, gambling
15 Family, friends, neighbors
Course Disclaimer
Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.
Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.
Credits earned vary according to the policies of the students' home institutions. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, students must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by their home institutions, for the duration of the program.