Course Description
Course Name
Business Driven Technology
Host University
The American College of Greece
Athens, Greece
Area of Study
Business Administration, Business Analytics, Computer Science
Language Level
Taught In English
US Credits
3 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits3
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units4
Hours & Credits
The American College of Greece occasionally offers an optional additional lab course for an additional credit hour. Please speak with your Program Manager if you are interested in pursuing this option for further details.
CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION: Theories and practices on the role and use of information systems and technology in transforming organizations through streamlining business operations and optimizing business processes. Effective decision-making in implementing sustainable business/IS solutions.
RATIONALE: The module is intended to provide students with the required theoretical and practical knowledge of the role and use of Information Systems in any type of business environment. Emphasis is given to the application of business software for the transformation and streamlining of business processes into effective business operations, and in bringing innovation through technology.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: As a result of taking this course, the student should be able to:
1. Analyse the role of technology and IS in business operations.
2. Apply relevant practices and theories of information systems in implementing successful business solutions.
METHOD OF TEACHING AND LEARNING: In congruence with the teaching and learning strategy of the college, the following tools are used:
- Lectures and class discussions. Laboratory sessions include practice in the design and development of databases, and usage of GIS and enterprise software.
- Office hours held by the instructor to provide further assistance to students.
- Use of the Blackboard Learning platform (communication, posting of lecture notes / assignments’ instructions / timely announcements, online submission of assignments, etc.).
First Assessment - Midterm Examination (in class, 1 hour) 40% - Combination of answers to essay questions and case problems
Final Assessment - Research Project 60% - Analysis of an IS business solution (2,200-2,400 words)
Formative: Case problems and group presentation of the analysis
0% Computer lab assignments
The formative assessment(s) aim to prepare students for the summative ones. The First Assessment tests Learning Outcome 1. The Final Assessment tests Learning Outcomes 1 and 2. The Final Assessment tests all learning outcomes of this module, therefore students pass the module if the average module grade is 40% or higher. (Guidelines and assessment rubrics are distributed on the first day of classes along with the course outline)