Course Description
Course Name
Host University
The American College of Greece
Athens, Greece
Area of Study
Communication Studies, Human Resources, Management, Public Relations
Language Level
Taught In English
US Credits
3 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits3
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units4
Hours & Credits
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Major theories and research findings in leadership. Application of theories and concepts to develop critical thinking and leadership skills. The dynamics of leadership. Topics include motivating and influencing people; power, politics and negotiation; teambuilding; managing conflict, leading decision groups; transformational, strategic leadership and change.
RATIONALE: Leadership is key to the strategic long-term growth and success of every organization. The study of leadership provides students with the conceptual models, behavioral approaches and self-assessment tools necessary for effective leadership and strategic choice. This course examines the significant role of the leader and is directed toward the growth and development of people.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: As a result of taking this course, the student should be able to:
1. Explain the major theories and models of leadership and analyse their interrelationships.
2. Assess a leader’s leadership style and integrity.
3. Apply a variety of theories, models and tactics that would be effective in different contexts and situations.
4. Assess one’s own strengths and weaknesses as a leader.
METHOD OF TEACHING AND LEARNING: In congruence with the learning and teaching strategy of the College, the following tools are used:
➢ Classes consist of lectures, case studies, experiential exercises, and in-class discussion of related material.
➢ Office hours: students are encouraged to make full use of the office hours of their instructor, where they can ask questions, see their exam paper, and/or go over lecture material.
➢ Use of Blackboard, where instructors post lecture notes, online quizzes assignment instructions, required readings, timely announcements, as well as additional resources.
Formative: First assessment Written project; Individual; 2,300 – 2,700 words 60%
Final assessment Final examination (2-hour, essay-type) 40%
The formative coursework aims to prepare students for the written project and the final examination. The written project tests Learning Outcomes 1, 2 The final examination tests Learning Outcomes 3, 4. Students are required to resit failed assessments in this module.