Introduction to Public and Private Law

Università IULM

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Introduction to Public and Private Law

  • Host University

    Università IULM

  • Location

    Milan, Italy

  • Area of Study

    Justice Studies, Legal Studies

  • Language Level

    Taught In English

  • Prerequisites

    The course has no specific prerequisites.

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    Training objectives of the course

    After passing the exam, the student will:
    - know the main features of the most significant legal systems, as well as of legal transplants in a supra-national context
    - understand the basic legal rules governing corporate communication in national and supranational contexts
    - be able to target the principles to be applied in order to solve legal problems in corporate communication
    - understand the basic legal terminology needed in order to analyze statutory texts and other legal documents


    Course programme

    The main content of the course, in line with the above-mentioned objectives, shall include an overview of the main theoretical issues of legal comparison and of the fundamental features of the most significant legal systems. An analysis of some significant legal experiences in the field of consumer protection shall follow.
    The contents shall include:
    - Law as a plural and global issue
    - Legal comparison
    - The Western Legal Tradition: common law and civil law
    - Fundamental references to other significant legal experiences (Muslim law, pluralistic post-colonial legal systems)
    - Fundamentals of consumer protection in the US and the EU


    Didactic Methods

    In line with the above-mentioned objectives, the course shall include:
    - Class lectures
    - Analysis of significant court decisions

    The course will use an online community to share information and materials.


    Learning assessment procedures

    The exam shall be in writing, with three open-ended questions on course topics. The time limit shall be thirty minutes. An oral exam may follow, depending on each student’s choice. The oral exam shall be a new assessment, independent of the result of the written test.
    The same assessment methods shall apply to both attending and non-attending students, as well as to Erasmus students.

    Students with specific learning disorders and with disabilities are invited to contact the head of the course to agree on the examination methods based on their personal documentation prepared by the DiversaMENTE Office.


    Reference Texts

    ZENO ZENCOVICH Vincenzo, Comparative Legal Systems. A Short and Illustrated Introduction, Roma Tre press, 2019, disponibile online
    Further bibliographical materials shall be shared in the course community.
    The textbook and the course materials shall be the same for attending and non-attending students


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