Statistics and Marketing Research

Università IULM

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Statistics and Marketing Research

  • Host University

    Università IULM

  • Location

    Milan, Italy

  • Area of Study

    Communication Studies, Marketing

  • Language Level

    Taught In English

  • Prerequisites

    The course has no specific prerequisites.

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    Training objectives of the course

    At the end of the course, the student will:
    - know the fundamental principles, generalizations, theories and concepts of market research and related statistics
    - understand the characteristics/needs/constraints of the processes to build up a market research
    - be able to apply knowledge to specific problems in the sectors covered by the case studies (i.e. Consumer Goods, Automotive, Hospitality and Tourism)
    - be able to select the principles useful for obtaining solutions to research goals
    - be able to use and explain the meaning of factual knowledge (terminology, classifications,
    - be able to design a market research process and analyse results using basic statistics

    Regarding the activities aimed at developing transversal skills, activities for the presentation of papers to the class will be proposed, also to enhance the ability to speak in public.


    Course programme

    The main content of the course will be to set out the different aspects related to the issues of qualitative and quantitative analyses of consumer behaviour.
    In detail, the topics covered will be:
    - Introduction to Market Research and its industry
    - Research process and design including: General approach to research process; Explorative, descriptive and causal design; Structured approach to Market Research process in 11 steps
    - Research on secondary data
    - Qualitative research techniques
    - Survey data collection methods and questionnaire design
    - Selecting and sizing the sample
    - Fieldwork and data quality issues
    - Descriptive analysis
    - Hints on performing population estimates, testing hypotheses, bivariate statistics and regression
    - Communicating insights


    Didactic Methods

    In line with the learning outcomes of the course, the following will be used:
     Lectures
     Presentation of case studies
     Classroom exercises
     Group works

    The course will use an online community to share information and materials.


    Learning assessment procedures

    In line with the training objectives and teaching methods of the course, the learning assessment will be carried out as follows.

    Concerning the objectives of knowledge and understanding of the course, the following will be
     30 multiple-choice questions covering all the topics covered in the course. Carried out on
    computer. Each correct answer is worth 1 point
     Optional oral test at student's request

    Concerning the objectives of applying knowledge and understanding of the course, students
    attending are expected to carry out a piece of group work, where:
     the objective will be to support the delivery of a market research project, including
    suggestions for improvements
     it is assuming attendance at lessons, during which details of tasks and assistance to groups are provided
     it is assessed on a scale from 0 to 3 points and contributes to the final exam grade

    Students on international mobility can take exams through an interview instead of a written test by
    closed questions.

    Students with specific learning disorders and with disabilities are invited to contact the head of the course to agree on the examination methods based on their personal documentation prepared by the DiversaMENTE Office.


    Reference Texts

    Required texts:
    - Marketing research - Alvin C. Burns, Louisiana State University, Ann Veeck, Western Michigan University, Ninth edition. New York: Pearson Education (available both as paperback or e-book)
    - Supplementary material by the teacher, made available on the community

    The exam program is differentiated between students who are attending and those who are not. Specific guidelines will be indicated at the beginning of the course.

    Attending students take to the exam topics covered in the text as well as in the lessons, i.e. all cases and in-depth materials covered in lectures even if not present in textbooks.
    Materials will be made available to attending students through the Course community.
    The exam program for attending students will remain valid for all the current academic year examination sessions.

    Non-attending students will only be examined on the textbook.


    Other information

    The exam program is differentiated for students who are attending or not. Specific guidelines will be indicated at the beginning of the lessons.
    Attending students are examined on those topics covered in the text and the lessons; all case and in-depth materials covered in lectures, even if not present in textbooks.
    Materials will be made available to students attending to support the lessons through the Course community.
    Non-attending students will only be examined on the textbook.


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