Course Description
Course Name
Business Administration in the Transportation Industry
Host University
Universidad de Barcelona
Barcelona, Spain
Area of Study
Management, Tourism
Language Level
Taught In English
ECTS Credits
3 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits1
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units2
Hours & Credits
The transport of goods and passengers must respond to ever greater quality requirement in terms of flexibility, speed, and reliability, to send people, their luggage, and goods in a precise place and time. Transport decisions are among the main aspects of the distribution field. The course focuses managing the transport service of passengers and goods, including the aspects that condition the planning of operations. It also aims to frame the established objectives and processes and the applicable regulations, from a territorial and business perspective. Finally, the course seeks to foster autonomous work and reporting abilities to answer reallife challenges and questions.
1. Identify and classify the companies and services involved in tourism production and understand their operation, as well as identify the main types of needs to which they respond.
2. Develop and manage the key operational processes of companies linked to the organization and sale of tourist trips, activities of leisure and other complementary products.
3. Be aware of the importance of mobility in tourism and know the main agents involved, as well as policies and instruments for its management.
4. To deepen in the content of the main regulatory norms of the tourist activities linked to this matter.
5. To know and identify the new tendencies in the practice of tourist activities.
6. Develop skills related to innovation and creativity for the creation of tourism products and services.
1. Policies and legal frameworks
2. Transport infrastructures: key takeaways
3. Triple bottom line management
3.1. Environmental management
3.2. Social management
3.3. Economic management
4. New transports tendencies, technology and data
5. Logistics
The learning methodologies planned for the subject combine a number of processes being the most remarkable the cognitive methods related to the comprehension of the principles of tourism and the global tourism system as well as the inclusion of a set of skills, mainly technical. The activities and methodologies -both group and individual- designed for this subject are the following:
• Lectures
• Case studies
• Guided discussions
• Practical exercises
• Problem-based learning
ASSESSMENT SYSTEMAssignments Typology Continuous Single Deadline Report 1st deadline Individual 10% 10% week 4 Report 2nd deadline Individual 5% 5% week 7 Report 3rd deadline & ((SA) presentations) Individual - 15% week 12 Final skills report Individual - 10% week 13 Legal frameworks, role game Group 2.5% - in class Intermodal activity group 10% - in class Sustainability activity & presentations group 10% - in class Logistics activity & presentations group 10% - in class Smart new tech, round table group 2.5% - in class Final individual test individual 40% 60% week 16 - 18 Total 100% 100%
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Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.