Contemporary Spain: Geography, Society and Institutions II (Taught in Spanish)

Universidad de Barcelona

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Contemporary Spain: Geography, Society and Institutions II (Taught in Spanish)

  • Host University

    Universidad de Barcelona

  • Location

    Barcelona, Spain

  • Area of Study

    International Studies

  • Language Level

    Intermediate, Intermediate+

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    Course description

    The main aim of the course is to provide an overview of the physical and natural environment of Spain, and then to study its territory in relation to the social sphere and the economy nationally and regionally. Firstly, we will analyse the country's physical and human geography. Secondly, Spain's current diversity will be explained through its natural regions and its autonomous communities; and the path to democracy through the process of democratic transition. Students will analyse the Spanish Constitution and current institutions, and find out about current Spanish society through some of the most representative aspects, such as: population, economy or culture.



    Each session will be comprised of a presentation made by the lecturer to introduce the topic, which will then be studied using maps, graphics and texts, which students will work on in groups actively in the same classroom, clarifying and resolving with the lecturer any questions about the material or topic. The main aim is for the student to access as much information as possible and, at the end of the course, achieve the initial objectives, that is, better and deeper understanding of the geographic, social and institutional reality of Spain today.


    Assessment system

    Attendance and participation in class: 40%

    Examination: 30%

    Course work: 30%




          Spanish population and society: structure and demographic dynamics and history.

          The main demographic regions of Spain.

          The administrative structure: autonomous communities, provinces and municipalities.



          Mining and industry.

          Tourism and services.

          Diversity and regional contrasts.

    Society and institutions

          Foreign relations

          The current Spanish economy and the welfare state

          Spanish culture today




    BOSQUE, J. (2012): España en el tercer milenio, Granada, Universidad de Granada.

    BURGUEÑO, J. (2011): La invención de las provincias, Madrid, Los Libros de la Catarata.

    GIL OLCINA, A. (ed.) (1997): Climatología general, Barcelona, Ariel. Geografía de España, Ariel, Barcelona, 2001.

    GIL OLCINA, A.- IVARS, J. A. (2004): Planificación turística de los espacios regionales de España, Madrid, Síntesis.

    NADAL, J. (1991): La población española, Barcelona, Ariel. Atlas de la industrialización de España (1750-2000), Barcelona, Crítica, 2003.

    RABELLA, J. M. (1998): Atlas de España y Portugal, Barcelona, Península. Atlas de la Península Ibérica, Barcelona, Península.

    VILA VALENTÍ, J. (1996): La península Ibérica, Barcelona, Ariel.

    Society and institutions

    FUSI, J.P. - PALAFOX, J. (1997): España: 1808-1996. El desafío de la modernidad, Madrid, Espasa-Calpe.

    PICAZO, M. T. (1996): Historia de España del siglo XX, Barcelona, Crítica (Colección Nuevos Instrumentos Universitarios).

    NAVARRO, V, (2006): El subdesarrollo social de España, Barcelona, Editorial Anagrama.

    TREMLETT, G. (2006): España ante sus fantasmas, Madrid, Editorial Siglo XXI.

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