Spanish 90 High Advanced (C1.1)

Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Spanish 90 High Advanced (C1.1)

  • Host University

    Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

  • Location

    Barcelona, Spain

  • Area of Study


  • Language Level

    High Advanced

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    LEVEL C1.1



    On completing this course, student should be able to:

    — Use linguistic and non-linguistic resources that allow them to express themselves fluently and naturally.
    — Understand a large part of the connotative weighting of idioms, sayings and colloquial expression even though they may need to confirm the detailed meanings.
    — Use language for social ends (emotional use).
    — Express opinions and use resources to take part in and maintain a conversation.
    — Make clear and well-structured formal presentations in academic and professional situations.
    — Tackle oral texts of all kinds within their academic, social or professional field.
    — Follow an extensive discourse.
    — Follow long, complex conversations between third parties with ease.
    — Extract information from warnings or public discourse.
    — Use paraphrase and other mechanisms to substitute a lack of vocabulary and structures without completely interrupting the fluency of the discourse.
    — Understand sufficiently well to follow long, complex discourses.
    — Be able to follow films that use a large number of colloquial expressions and slang.
    — Understand and react to elements of non-verbal communication in Spanish culture.
    — Follow the rhythm of a debate with ease and argue their position with formality and conviction.
    — Chose an appropriate way of expressing themselves clearly without having to limit what they want to say.
    — Have a wide range of resources available to ensure cohesive and coherent discourse.

    — Produce written texts expressing opinions, narrative and analysis in a clear, well-structured and detailed manner showing correct use of the mechanisms of organisation, cohesion and articulation of the text.
    — Understand extensive texts in detail within their area of speciality, even though they may need to re-read the more difficult sections.
    — Understand all correspondence even though they may need to make occasional use of a dictionary.
    — Search quickly to find relevant information in extensive texts.
    — Understand short technical instructions in detail.
    — Transmit information with ease and great precision using notes and summaries.
    — Write clear and well-structured reports In professional and academic fields.
    — Tackle written texts of all kinds in their academic, social or professional field.
    — Express themselves without any grave errors of vocabulary.
    — Write texts with consistent paragraphing and punctuation.
    — Write detailed descriptions and narrations including several topics.
    — Be able to give opinions and make statements with degrees of certainty/uncertainty, probability, etc.

    Speaking-writing activities
    — Take careful notes from an original that can be used by other people.
    — Synthesise information from a formal exhibitive oral or written texts.
    — Draw up minutes or reports based on spoken information.



    Informative function
    — Ask for and give information prudently, while offering alternatives, indicating that the previous information is inappropriate and expressing curiosity.
    — Describe something clearly from an objective, general to specific and subjective point of view.
    — Identify someone and express implied descriptive details.
    — Ask explicitly for information.

    Evaluative function
    — Invite someone to formulate a hypothesis.
    — Express certainly or evidence.
    — Express possibility.
    — Express knowledge of something.
    — Ask for appraisal.
    — Give opinions and present counter arguments.

    Expressive function
    — Express any feeling or mood.
    — Ask about someone's mood.
    — Express and ask about wishes and preferences.

    Inductive function
    — Give an order or instruction directly or indirectly.
    — Ask someone a favour directly or indirectly.
    — Repeat a previous order or estimate.
    — Take up an order, or request with or without reservations.
    — Give permission with and without objections.
    — Reject a prohibition.
    — Cheer someone up.

    Social function
    — Welcome someone.
    — Express and react using the correct register.
    — Introduce someone formally and informally.
    — Apologise.
    — Respond to an apology.
    — Say goodbye.

    Meta-linguistic function
    — Ask and reply to questions about things in general.
    — Introduce the theme of a story and react.
    — Interrupt.
    — Highlight elements.
    — Rephrase what has been said.
    — Quote.
    — Reject a topic or some aspect of a topic.



    — Change gender as an expression of a change in size (el huerto/la huerta, el barco/la barca, etc.).

    — of character.
    — Qualifying colours. Syntagmatic compounds. Concordance (―Tengo dos camisas gris perla‖).
    — Absolute superlative in adjectives ending in –ble.

    — Definite: optional before subordinate nouns when the fact is understood. Obligatory presence in a relative sentence (―Me alegra el que haya venido‖ / ―El que nade bien ganará‖).

    — Disparaging values when referring to people.

    — Preceded by the neuter article lo with unknown or multiple reference or lacking in importance (―Esto es lo tuyo‖).

    — Relative quantifier cuanto with no express or invariable antecedent (―Coge cuanto quieras‖).
    — Any invariable, never before a noun.

    — Values for Se: in impersonal constructions.
    — Exclusive use of the relative pronouns el/la/lo cual – los /las cuales.
    — The pronoun sí.
    — Relatives: quien / quienes equivalencia con el/la/los/las que.

    — Nuancing mechanisms of coordination with meanings of consecution: consecuentemente, etc.
    — Adverbial phrases.
    — Intensifiers.

    — Use of the indicative/subjunctive tenses.
    — Verbs of change.
    — Verb with different preposition: tender de / tender a.

    — Lo que… es… (+ que) + SN / inf. / (conjugated verb) (―Lo que no soporto es comer pescado‖ / ―Lo que me extraña es que no haya llamado‖).
    — ¿Cómo que (no) + previous statement?
    — Conditional sentences with the connector como.

    — Rules for accents.
    — Use of punctuation marks.
    — Capitals / small letters.

Course Disclaimer

Credits earned vary according to the policies of the students' home institutions. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, students must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by their home institutions, for the duration of the program.

ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits are converted to semester credits/quarter units differently among U.S. universities. Students should confirm the conversion scale used at their home university when determining credit transfer.

Please reference fall and spring course lists as not all courses are taught during both semesters.

Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations


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