High Intermediate Spanish Grammar and Writing

Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Course Description

  • Course Name

    High Intermediate Spanish Grammar and Writing

  • Host University

    Universidad Pompeu Fabra

  • Location

    Barcelona, Spain

  • Area of Study


  • Language Level

    High Intermediate

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    Course Description:
    Advanced level course, whose contents are framed within level B2 of the Common Framework
    Reference European Council (CEFR), and in which, from a communicative perspective, the development
    integrated and significant of fundamental linguistic skills, and more specifically of the skills
    written (comprehension, expression and interaction). Likewise, emphasis is placed on teaching the contents
    lexical and grammatical, always seeking to respond to the communicative and academic needs of the
    To reach the CEFR level it is essential to complete 90 teaching hours and complement this course with
    that of Spanish Language. Oral skills. ADVANCED level (B2).
    Course methodology:
    The orientation of the program is communicative, both in its purposes and in the methodology it follows. It
    means that the objectives, at their different levels of concreteness, are set in terms of usability
    of the tongue; that the contents are derived from the objectives thus established; and that the work methodology
    is based on carrying out use activities, accompanied by the necessary reflection processes on
    the language that facilitate the internalization and mastery of its various structures and units.
    Course objectives:
    ⦿ Be able to understand the main ideas of complex texts that deal with both specific and specific topics.
    as abstract, even if they are theoretical in nature, as long as they are within one's own field of
    ⦿ Be able to express oneself with conviction, clarity and courtesy in a formal or informal register that is appropriate to
    the situation and the person or persons involved.
    ⦿ Be able to produce clear and detailed texts on various topics, as well as defend a point of view
    on general topics, indicating the pros and cons of the various options.
    ⦿ Be able to express yourself clearly and without the need to limit the content of the messages.
    ⦿ Have enough linguistic elements to make clear descriptions, express points of
    view and develop arguments, using complex sentences and without having to search for words
    to build the message.
    ⦿ Have a wide vocabulary on matters related to one's own specialty and on more topics
    general. Be able to vary the formulation of messages to avoid frequent repetition, although the
    Lexical deficiencies can produce hesitation and circumlocutions in expression.
    ⦿ Demonstrate a generally high lexical precision, despite occasional errors in the selection of words.
    words, that do not hinder communication.
    ⦿ Demonstrate good control of grammar, despite the possible presence of sporadic slips, errors
    unsystematic and small errors in the structure of the sentence, rare and retrospectively corrected.
    Course contents:
    ⚫ Transmit (and ask to be transmitted) information, instructions, requests, orders and orders
    ⚫ Corroborate and deny other people's claims
    ⚫ Ask for, grant and deny permission
    ⚫ Express (and ask for):
    ⚫ wants and needs
    ⚫ intentions, conditions and objectives
    ⚫ agreement and disagreement, total or partial
    ⚫ Justify, argue, criticize and defend opinions, proposals and ideas
    ⚫ Demonstrate (and react appropriately to the demonstration)
    ⚫ complaints, claims and wishes
    ⚫ surprise, joy, sorrow, disappointment
    ⚫ fear, worry, resignation
    ⚫ gratitude and apologies
    ⚫ Make promises
    ⚫ Make conjectures, express possibility and impossibility
    ⚫ Express different degrees of certainty and probability
    ⚫ Advise and react to advice
    ⚫ Prevent, recommend and warn; react appropriately
    ⚫ Refer to personal and collective customs and habits
    ⚫ Relate anecdotes and historical events
    ⚫ Describe changes in someone's life or personality
    ⚫ Introduction to composition and derivation (nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs)
    ⚫ Characteristics of prefixation, suffixation and composition in Spanish
    ⚫ Gender and number bending rules
    ⚫ Qualifying adjectives:
    ⚫ Position
    ⚫ Semantic and stylistic values
    ⚫ Special uses in the pronominal system and in determination: personal, demonstrative pronouns,
    possessive, interrogative and relative
    ⚫ Various uses of quantifiers: numerals, ordinals, multiplicative, distributive and collective
    ⚫ Groups of indefinite pronouns
    ⚫ The verb:
    ⚫ Consolidation of the morphology of the different times and modes, and systematization of the uses and
    contrasts between them. Special cases
    ⚫ Various uses of the infinitive and the gerund and their compounds
    ⚫ Reflexive and pronominal verbs
    ⚫ Periphrasis: systematization and special cases
    ⚫ Prepositional regime
    ⚫ Values ​​of the pronoun "se": impersonality, passive reflex and pronouns
    ⚫ Adverbs in -mente: discursive uses
    ⚫ Systematization and consolidation of the various structures into substantive subordinate ones
    ⚫ Systematization and consolidation of indirect style
    ⚫ Relative phrases with preposition (in, with, on the/the/the/the ones that...). Alternation that/who
    ⚫ Comparative constructions (it's like / a kind of... + noun; not as... like...; much more...
    ⚫ Pronominal constructions (remember, be interested in) and alternative syntactic structures
    (to interest someone in something / someone to be interested in something)
    ⚫ Subordinate clauses (causal, concessive, conditional, temporal and final): systematization of
    syntactic constructions and use of less frequent conjunctions
    Sufficient vocabulary (words and expressions) to deal with the following topics, with the necessary
    precision, level of abstraction and contextual appropriateness:
    ⚫ Personal details
    ⚫ Professional and academic Curriculum Vitae
    ⚫ Health and the human body
    ⚫ Gestures and postures
    ⚫ Position and movement
    ⚫ Illnesses and accidents
    ⚫ The city
    ⚫ Municipal and social institutions
    ⚫ Procedures and registrations
    ⚫ Nature and the environment
    ⚫ Geography
    ⚫ Society, State
    ⚫ Public administration
    ⚫ Parties and unions
    ⚫ Population and quality of life
    ⚫ Cultural habits and values
    ⚫ Leisure and tourism
    ⚫ Work and professional life
    ⚫ Professions and trades

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