Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship - With International Students

Universidad de Deusto - Bilbao

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship - With International Students

  • Host University

    Universidad de Deusto - Bilbao

  • Location

    Bilbao, Spain

  • Area of Study


  • Language Level

    Taught In English

    Hours & Credits

  • ECTS Credits

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview


    Nowadays, it is popular to see in articles of respectable and well-known newspapers and magazines worldwide, that this subject is a key element if not the most important of all, for any company, to be able to get out of this deep economical crisis. Innovation is a key element in any successful company. Although the skills to foresee improving opportunities can rest on any employee's abilities, usually this task lies on the shoulders of its R&D engineers. By having deep knowledge in the company product technologies, engineers create and engender new ideas which increase business opportunities. Entrepreneurship is the ability to bring these innovative ideas into new real successful products, by means of deeply assessing multidisciplinary aspects surrounding the new idea, well before becoming a real product. Furthermore, it is an inevitable step for any successful product in the market. This competence helps innovating and having great ideas while teaches keeping the feet on the ground and be realistic.

    On completing this subject the student is expected to be competent in:
    * Product, Market, Sales, and Technology analysis.
    * Definition of required specifications. Market, product, and business evolution, etc.,
    * Viability Plan. Calculating detail product costs and margins.
    * Intellectual property (IP), Patents and Trade Marks.
    * Understanding the World of Sales, sales networks, markets, sales negotiations, countries idiosyncrasy.
    * Marketing, advertisement, fairs, open houses, contacts, presentations,
    * Financing sources, government grants, chamber of commerce, embassies,
    * Technology surveillance, competitors, universities, technology centers, etc., alerts, feeds, RSS,
    * Business legal forms

    Chapter 1: Introduction. The Market, The Customer, its rules. The art of watch and listen,communication. Added value. Sales, intangibles, Human relations, closeness to customer,negotiations, NDAs, sales networks, countries idiosyncrasy. Problems versus opportunities. The
    Price, Price versus quality. Discounts, rappel, bonus,. Home sales versus exports, globalization.Fairs, Open-house, contacts, Marketing, advertisements, brochures and manuals languages.Products to service for years.

    Chapter 2: the innovative idea, Market analysis, Product Specifications, adaption to countries and their circumstances, is already protected. Calculating costs, labor cost, industrial costs, commercial and marketing costs, margins, testing, incoterms, delay payments, milestone payments, assuming risks, payment insurance, delivery time, purchases-suppliers, outsourcing versus investments, product quantities and implications, marketing, network training, Quality, cost of Noquality, Service & Spares, financing.

    Chapter 3: Intellectual Property, protection and infringement, Patents and Trade Marks, intangible asset, rights and duties, company value, source of information and ideas, source of money, customer demand and liability, patent licenses and purchases, legal actions and
    litigations, no-aggression agreements.

    Chapter 4: Technological Surveillance, competitors movements and assessment, technology evolutions, new strategic movements or redirecting old, medium and long term projects, new opportunities and market niches, R&D steering wheel, alerts and RSS, gathering valuable knowledge.

    Activities inside the Classroom:
    * Classes for contextualizing and understanding in detail the product, the market, sales,management, in real companies and real market.
    * Analysis and problem-solving, case studies, essays about each of the situations studied.
    * Individual and group presentations of project examples elaborated by students.
    Activities outside the classroom:
    * Home works about aspects learned during the lessons.
    * Personal study of the material compiled during the activities carried out in class and solution of the different work proposed.
    * Fulfillment of the different tasks proposed (exercises, problems, cases and questions) that will be submitted by means of the learning platform, assessed by the professor, and returned back to the student.
    * Presentations of some entrepreneurs from nursery, DeustoKabi, and Ideko.

    Continuous Evaluation based on:
    - Evaluation of individual presentations, works, exercises, activities, done individually
    - Quality of presented works
    - Actual class presentations quality, idea transmission, persuasion, speaking.
    - Personal attitude and getting involved during classes
    - Attendance, attention, punctuality, learning willingness

    All available information needed in the course is accessible on-line to all students registered. The student will be able to virtually and interactively follow all of the material, activities, work and evaluations related with the subject.
    The previously mentioned material is the following:
    - Syllabus
    - Bibliography
    - Slides classified by chapter
    - Documents and URLs that complement the basic material
    - Bibliographic references with contents related to the material studied.

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

Credits earned vary according to the policies of the students' home institutions. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, students must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by their home institutions, for the duration of the program.

Please note that some courses with locals have recommended prerequisite courses. It is the student's responsibility to consult any recommended prerequisites prior to enrolling in their course.


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