Spanish Narrative

Universidad de Deusto - Bilbao

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Spanish Narrative

  • Host University

    Universidad de Deusto - Bilbao

  • Location

    Bilbao, Spain

  • Area of Study

    Literature, Spanish

  • Language Level


  • Prerequisites

    The language prerequisite for grade students is C1-C2.

    International students are recommended a B2-C1 level of Spanish as a Second Language to follow the subject properly.

    Hours & Credits

  • ECTS Credits

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    This subject offers the student useful training to understand the importance of literary production
    in each language, in itself and as an exponent of the socio-cultural transformations and achievements throughout history.
    history. It will be centered on the evolution of the peninsular Hispanic narrative from the Renaissance to the nineteenth century.

    Being a 4th year subject, it will complete the profile of the student enrolled in the Studies mention
    Literary, and also that of those who have opted for Hispanic Studies or a combination of both

    The approach will be linked to the one presented by other subjects or subjects of the degree, among them,
    fundamentally, European Literatures or Cultural Studies.

    The thematic development will be twofold:
    1. To provide a conceptual and methodological basis applicable to other subjects of the mentions (Studies
    Literaries / Hispanic Studies), issues related to "gender" will be addressed. Special importance will be given
    within it, to the "novel": formal characteristics, historical foundation, evolution, style resources,

    2. All of the above will be used for the analysis of a selection of relevant works of Hispanic narrative
    peninsular. The literary analysis will be inscribed in a framework of socio-cultural understanding.

    Subject Competencies
    Generic Competence 1:
    Critically question and be interested in the foundations on which ideas, actions and judgments are based,
    both own and others (Critical thinking).
    Domain level 3: Argue the relevance of the judgments that are issued and analyze the coherence of the own
    conduct, basing them on the principles and values ​​that sustain them.

    Learning outcomes or indicators:
    -The student bases and argues the judgments he makes.
    -Identifies ideas, principles, models and underlying values ​​in critical judgments.
    -Issue judgments based on external criteria (utility, feasibility, validity, etc.).

    Specific Competence:
    Transmission of culture in the Spanish language through literature
    Mastery levels 1 and 2: Analyze and interpret narrative works in Spanish within the framework of
    various artistic movements and literary styles; Relate narrative in Spanish with the various
    sociocultural contexts in which it has already emerged and which it has contributed to transform.

    Learning outcomes or indicators:
    -The student identifies and analyzes the verbal, aesthetic and structural elements of the manifestations
    narratives in the Spanish language, differentiating them from other types of written discourse.
    -Dominate the terminology used in the study of narrative literary texts.
    -Explains the cultural, social and historical contexts in which literary texts were written and read
    Introduction to the narrative genre: novel and short story.
    -The genre today: characteristics
    -Background and evolution
    -Novel and short story
    -Definition attempts
    -Theory of the novel
    How to analyze a narrative text: theoretical-practical approaches
    -Story syntax: action and subjects
    -Narrative coordinates: time, space, modality and narrative styles
    -The semantics of the text
    Origins of the modern novel: picaresque and cervantine narrative
    -Historic context
    -Renaissance and Humanism
    -Spanish narrative of the XVI
    Lazarillo de Tormes and picaresque novels
    Cervantes's novels
    The consecration of the genre in the 19th century: Galdós and Clarín
    -Historic context
    -Literary movements in Europe:
    Realism and Naturalism
    -Spanish narrative:
    realistic novel
    naturalistic novel
    -Benito Perez Galdos
    -Leopoldo Alas “Clarín”
    Teaching-learning strategy, evaluation system and documentation
    TEACHER/S: Inmaculada Ballano Olano GROUP: 20 - Spanish
    The development and acquisition of the indicated competences will be carried out through various strategies,
    in the times assigned to the 6 ECTS corresponding to the subject (= 150 hours of work of the
    In the classroom:
    - Theoretical-practical explanations by the teacher.
    - Analysis of narrative texts.
    - Participation and oral presentations.
    Out of the classroom:
    - Reading narrative texts and critical theory.
    - Elaboration of individual written works.
    - Preparation of the final test.

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

Credits earned vary according to the policies of the students' home institutions. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, students must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by their home institutions, for the duration of the program.

Please note that some courses with locals have recommended prerequisite courses. It is the student's responsibility to consult any recommended prerequisites prior to enrolling in their course.


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