Psychological Intervention and Treatment III

Universidad de Deusto - Bilbao

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Psychological Intervention and Treatment III

  • Host University

    Universidad de Deusto - Bilbao

  • Location

    Bilbao, Spain

  • Area of Study


  • Language Level

    High Advanced

    Hours & Credits

  • ECTS Credits

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    PART 1
    This subject has two complementary parts.
    The first one expects to introduce to the techniques derived from Cognitive Therapy. In addition to achieve skills in the implementation of these techniques, their application to different psychological problems, such as depression, aggressive behavior or stress will be reflected on. In the second part, some aspects of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy will be developed. Students are expected to know the theoretical basis of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy as well as its main types and methods.

    PART 2
    In this part of the subject some aspects of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy will be developed. Students are expected to know the theoretical basis of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy as well as its main types and methods.

    PART 1
    Previous knowledges of psychopathology and psychological evaluation are important for this subject.
    When students finish the subject, they will:
    1. Know the concepts, propositions and basic characteristics of the cognitive intervention models.
    2. Identify thoughts errors and dysfuntional believes.
    3. Implement strategies of cognitive structuring from the Cognitive Therapy.
    4. Know and implement the components of the social problem-solving training.
    5. Design stress inoculation procedures.
    6. Know the foundations and the basic concepts of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
    7. Identify the emotions and the technical strategies of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
    8. Know the technical elements of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy in their different phases.
    9. Identify the different peculiarities of the implementation of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy in different pathologies.
    10. Know the different methods of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

    PART 2
    When students finish the subject, they will:
    1. Know the foundations and the basic concepts of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
    2. Identify the emotions and the technical strategies of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
    3. Know the technical elements of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy in their different phases.
    4. Identify the different peculiarities of the implementation of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy in different pathologies.
    5. Know the different methods of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy.

    PART 1
    1. Cognitive intervention model: definition, main figures, historical basis, main propositions, basic concepts (structures,processes and cognitive products), elements of the therapeutic process and types of cognitive models.
    2. Cognitive evaluation strategies (components to evaluate, techniques and procedures).
    3. Conflict resolution training: previous concepts, components of the process of D'Zurilla's social problem-solving training.
    4. Structural Models: Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy, Cognitive Therapy for Depression, Schema Therapy.
    5. Stress inoculation programs.
    6. Joining mindfulness with Cognitive Therapy.

    PART 2
    1. Theoretical foundations and the basic concepts of the psychoanalytic psychotherapy.
    1.1. Foundation presented by S. Freud's work.
    1.2 Distinction between internal and external world.
    1.3. Object-relationships.
    2. Emotions and technical strategies in the psychotherapeutic process:
    2.1. Free association
    2.2 Resistance
    2.3. Transference and countertransference
    3. Difficulties of the therapeutic process
    3.1. Factors which drive the therapeutic process (insight and working out)
    3.2 Factors which make the therapeutic process difficult (resistance, acting out, negative therapeutic reaction,...)
    4. Different phases of the treatment:
    4.1. Initial phase
    4.2 Middle phase
    4.3 Final phase
    5. Implementation of the psychotherapy in different pathologies
    5.1 With neurotic patients.
    5.2 With pychotic patients.
    5.3 With patients with Personality Disorders.
    6. Different modalities of the Psychoanalytic Therapy

    PART 1
    Theoretical explanations by the professor.
    Evaluation of cognitive distortions and schemas.
    Cognitive Restructuring practices.
    Design of a problem-solving training program for a real case.
    Design of a stress inoculation program.
    Practical cases analysis.

    PART 2
    Theoretical explanations by the professor
    Observation of the psychological phenomenons and their comprehension from a psychoanalytic point of view.
    Practices of psychotherapeutic situations analysis
    Explanation of the topics by the students
    Practical cases analysis

    PART 1
    Evaluation of this part of the subject will be made through works (50%) and an exam (50%). It is necessary to pass each part of the subject to pass the subject.
    Cognitive Restructuring applications and design of a problem-solving training program and design of a stress inoculation program will be included in the students' works (50% of the qualification of this part of the subject).

    The exam will have two parts:
    1- Multiple-choice exam of 20-24 questions approximately, with 3 possible answers and errors will penalize (error=0,33).
    2- Several exercises similar in contents to the ones made in the classroom.
    The material will consist on obligatory reading and the classroom contents. The exam will be 50% of the total qualification.

    PART 2
    Evaluation of this part of the subject will be made through works (50%) and an exam (50%). It is necessary to pass each part of the subject to pass the subject.
    Works will consist on presentations done by the students in class about different topics (50% of the qualification of this part of the subject).

    The exam will have two parts:
    1- Multiple-choice exam of 20-24 questions approximately, with 3 possible answers and errors will penalize (error=0,33).
    2- Multiple-choice exam of a clinical case and several exercises similar in contents to the ones made in the classroom.
    The material will consist on the readings and the classroom contents. The exam will be 50% of the total qualification.
    To pass the subject two parts of the subjects will have to be passed.

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

Credits earned vary according to the policies of the students' home institutions. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, students must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by their home institutions, for the duration of the program.

Please note that some courses with locals have recommended prerequisite courses. It is the student's responsibility to consult any recommended prerequisites prior to enrolling in their course.


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