Islamic Culture in Spain

Universidad de Granada

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Islamic Culture in Spain

  • Host University

    Universidad de Granada

  • Location

    Granada, Spain

  • Area of Study

    European Studies, History, Middle Eastern Studies, Religion

  • Language Level

    High Advanced

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    The aims of this course are to explain to the students the history, society, art and other cultural manifestations of al-Andalus from its birth in the year 711 to its disappearance in 1492. But the course will not be limited to this period nor to the geographical frame of alAndalus. An ample introduction to the Islamic world will be given, and al-Andalus will be related to the Omeya and Abbasi empires and in general the historical evolution of the Islam, the configuration of the Christian kingdoms of the north peninsular will be studied and the course will finish with an introduction to the Mudejars and the Moriscos (Moslem converts to Christianity).

    Topic 1. Introduction to the Islam world
    Topic 2. The Islamic empire. The invasion of the Iberian peninsula
    Topic 3. The emirate and the caliphate of Córdoba
    Topic 4. The crisis of the caliphate of Córdoba. The taifas kingdoms
    Topic 5. Women, family and love in al-Andalus
    Topic 6.The Almohads and the Almoravids
    Topic 7. The Mudejars: crisis of al-Andalus and Christian expansion
    Topic 8. The Nasrid Kingdom Topic
    9. The Moslem city of Western Islam. Nasrid Granada
    Topic 10. Images of al-Andalus: culture, science and customs
    Topic 11. End of the Nasrid sultanate
    Topic 12. The Moriscos (Moslem converts to Christianity). The heritage of al-Andalus

    As well as class lectures the students will go on two guided visits around historical Granada, both in class time. Students will also give brief talks on topics given by the teacher and they will also listen to some andalusí music. In most of the classes students will view slides. Assessment Students’ assessment will be based on the average mark of two exams (first midterm and final, which will be another mid-term), and to this mark will be added the attendance and pieces of work, up to a maximum of 20%.


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