Marketing Communication

Universidad de Granada

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Marketing Communication

  • Host University

    Universidad de Granada

  • Location

    Granada, Spain

  • Area of Study

    Communication Studies, Marketing

  • Language Level

    High Advanced

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    This subject attempts to provide the student with a complete and integrated vision of the different forms of business communication presently available. In this sense, it brings to light both the difficulties and the wealth of communication possibilities that can be developed.

    - That the student understands the marketing communication process and is able to learn the different communication tools businesses have at their disposal, and the need to coordinate and integrate them appropriately to synergistic benefits.
    - That the student learns the logical and appropriate sequence of decision making in a company’s communication planning process.
    - That the student is able to plan business communication in a specific market situation.

    TOPIC 1: Integrated marketing communication
    1. Communication in companies and organizations
    2. The role of communication in its relationship with the market
    3. Integrated Marketing Communication
    4. The planning process in marketing communication
    5. Ethical and social aspects of marketing communication

    TOPIC 2: Advertising management
    1. Advertising as a means of communication: concept and ranking
    2. The advertising planning process
    3. Developing a commercial message
    4. The media 5. Advertising distribution

    TOPIC 3: Advertising agencies and advertising regulation
    1. Functions and structure of full-service agencies
    2. Advertising agency ranking
    3. Advertising agency fees
    4. Choosing an advertising agency
    5. Current picture of advertising agencies in Spain
    6. Advertising regulation

    TOPIC 4: Sales promotion
    1. Sales promotion in the communication mix: concept and character
    2. Objectives of sales promotion
    3. Marketing strategy
    4. Marketing tactics: types of sales promotion

    TOPIC 5: Public relations and sponsorship
    1. Public relations: concept and character
    2. Reasons for their current development
    3. Public relations techniques
    4. Sponsorship

    TOPIC 6: Direct or interactive marketing
    1. Direct marketing today
    2. Advantages and functions of direct marketing
    3. Functions of direct marketing
    4. Factors contributing to direct marketing development
    5. Direct marketing databases
    6. Conventional means for direct marketing
    7. Interactive marketing

    TOPIC 7: Social media marketing and mobile marketing
    1. Marketing communication on Internet
    2. The role of social media in marketing communication
    3. The role of Facebook in on-line marketing strategy
    4. The role of Twitter in on-line marketing strategy
    5. Mobile Marketing

    Practical classes involve group and individual work.

    Individual work involves reading commentaries and resolving case studies proposed by the teacher. These will be presented in class and discussed with the other students.

    Group work will consist of developing a communication plan for a certain company, applying the concepts and information sources acquired in class.

    Assessment criteria:
    - Attendance, active participation and work in research group or individually: 40 % (Give the theoretical-practical nature of this subject, regular class attendance is essential. To be eligible for assessment in this subject, 80% compulsory attendance is required (as stipulated in the CLM regulations)
    . - Final exam: 60 %


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