Latin American Civilization and Culture (In English)

Universidad de Granada

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Latin American Civilization and Culture (In English)

  • Host University

    Universidad de Granada

  • Location

    Granada, Spain

  • Area of Study

    Anthropology, European Studies, Latin American Studies

  • Language Level

    Taught In English

    Hours & Credits

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    General Description
    This course aims to explaining and studying in depth the basic points considered the basis
    of Latin American culture. Cultural aspects of different fields will be covered and
    interrelated through explanations, articles, and media resources.

    Activities and grading
    The course grade will be based on the following criteria:
    - Attendance and class participation: 20%
    - Final Project and Presentation in class: 30%
    - Midterm examination: 25%
    - Final examination: 25%
    Presentation: You will be asked to present one cultural aspect (traditions, festivities,
    famous people etc.) of one of the Latin American countries. The presentation will take 10-
    20 minutes and it will be given to the teacher written as well. Each written project will have
    between three or five pages and it must include at least four resources of Bibliography. You
    have to tell to the teacher the topic of the project before October the 29th
    Attendance policy: Students are expected to attend at least 80% of classes in order to
    get the right to be evaluated. Each absence must be justified.

    - Sebastián Quesada, ?Imágenes de América Latina?. Manual de historia y cultura
    latinoamericanas. Edelsa, Madrid 2001.
    - ?Hispanoamérica ayer y hoy?. Sgel, Madrid, 1996.
    - Jacqueline Covo, ?América Latina?, Acento editorial, Madrid 1996.
    - John King, ?Modern Latin American Culture?. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge


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