Course Description
Course Name
Spanish Language: covering the skills of writing, reading, speaking and listening
Host University
Universidad de Granada
Granada, Spain
Area of Study
Linguistics, Spanish
Language Level
High Beginning
Contact Hours
80 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits5
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units8
Hours & Credits
The A-Level student is referred to as a ?basic user? of the language, which means that he or she is able to use language as a social agent during basic social transactions and understand/produce oral/written texts related to his/her basic needs, as well as take part in social interactions within his/her immediate spheres of action or domains.LEVEL A2- High Beginning:
- Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g., very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
- Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
- Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.COURSE OVERVIEW:
a. Cultural stereotypes
b. Different Spanish accents
c. Cultural diversity in Spain and socioeconomic characteristics
d. Places in Latin America
e. Traditional celebrations
f. Social usage of gifts
g. Religious traditions and beliefs
h. Cities and neighborhoods2. EDUCATIONAL COMPETENCY
a. Comprehension of activity instructions: Coloca la palabra adecuada?, Levántate y pregunta a tus compañeros, Une con flechas?,Rellena la tabla siguiente?
b. Understanding of basic classroom instructions: Lenguaje básico de instrucción en el aula: ¿Puedes repetir?, ¿A quién le toca?, ¿En grupos o en parejas?, ¿Cómo se dice ______?, ¿Hay deberes?...
c. Ability to identify and define objects: Estrategias discursivas básicas para identificar y definir objetos como forma de evitar el uso de la L1: Es un objeto que?, Es un lugar donde?, Es una persona que, ¿De qué material está hecho?, ¿De quécolor es?, ¿Cómo es?...
d. Ability to learn and define new vocabulary: (Es lo mismo que/contrario de? Es como?, etc.), la sinonimia o la antonimia, el uso de hiperónimos (Un gato es un animal?) e hipónimos (?Times?, ?Hola? son revistas), y la contextualización mediante ejemplos3. COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCY
a. Language Activities: listening, oral, and written comprehension and expression4. PRAGMATIC COMPETENCY: CONCEPTS AND FUNCTIONS
a. Give and ask for information
b. Express opinions, feelings, and facts
c. Express goals, desires, and sentiments
d. Use of commands and questions
e. Social relations and greetings
f. Classroom interactions5. GRAMMATICAL COMPETENCY
a. Nouns
b. Adjectives
c. Articles
d. Demonstrative adjectives
e. Possessive adjectives
f. Quantitative adjectives
g. Pronouns
h. Adverbs
i. Personal verbs
j. Impersonal verbs
k. Sentences and statements6. LISTENING AND SPELLING COMPETENCY
a. Intonation
b. Syllables and accents
c. Rhythm, pauses, and timing
d. Irregularities
e. Alphabet
f. Capitalization
g. Punctuation
Course Disclaimer
Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.
Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.