Course Description
Course Name
Art in Spain
Host University
Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
Madrid, Spain
Area of Study
Art History, European Studies, History, Studio Art
Language Level
Taught In English
Contact Hours
45 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits3
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units4
Hours & Credits
Course number: CH3161
ECTS credits: 6
Prerequisites: NoneDescription
This course will analyze main artistic manifestations in Painting in Madrid and will provide you with the tools to identify, classify, understand, criticize and appreciate the most relevant Spanish art works, particularly those to be found in Madrid.
You will have the opportunity to learn by seeing, feeling, living the art and its expressions in Madrid as you study the painted art works in situ. To this end, you will explore the most relevant museums in Madrid that hold the artistic expressions of the painters studied in this course. In your study of painting you will be able to recognize and personally analyze the most important works of Spanish painters such as El Greco, Velázquez, and Goya in the magnificent Prado Museum; and Picasso, Dalí and
other contemporary authors at the Centro de Arte Museo Reina Sofía.Learning outcomes
- to classify the main artistic movements into their correspondent historical
- to acquire and employ technical glossary on materials, art tools, styles,
- to critically analyze a work of art
- to generate comparisons between international styles and artists
- to be able to expound (orally and written) art concepts in an organized wayEducational Activities
Educational activities will be developed by means of different didactic strategies:
- Theory and Practica
- Collective and individual tutoring
- In-class presentations- Daily assignments
- Team work assignments
- Workshops and additional training
- Extra-learning activities: field tripsAttending Hours: 45 hours
The majority of the course syllabus follows the main methodological guidelines of the Communicative Approach, based on the core principles of procedure conception and constructive acquisition of knowledge. The methodology is based on the teaching- learning procedures, focused on the learner, which encourages active participation and results in the development of general and specific competencies that prove knowledge, capacities and attitudes for their future professional careers.Form of Assessment
The form of assessment is based on the core principles of the educational assessment, i.e., an active and participative teaching-learning process focused on the
learner. The instructor will use numerous and differentiated forms of assessment to
calculate the final grade you receive for this course. For the record, these are listed and weighted below. The content, criteria and specific requirements for each assessment category will be explained in greater detail in class.The final grade consists of three parts: class participation, daily work and exams
- 33% Active in-class participation
- 33% daily work
- 34% examsGrading Scale goes from 0 to 10.
Numerical Grade Range
Letter grade Percentage Range
10 A+ 100%
9.5 - 9.9 A 95 -99%
9 - 9.4 A- 90-94%
8.5 - 8.9 B+ 85-89%
7.5- 8.4 B 75-84%
7 - 7.4 B- 70-74%
6.5 - 6.9 C+ 65-69%
6 - 6.4 C 60-64%
5 - 5.9 C- 5-59%
0-4.9 F 0-49%The final grade will be the average of active in-class participation, daily work and exams.
Attendance Policy
Attendance is compulsory. In order to excuse any absence, students have to deliver adoctor's note or any valid justification.
An absence is equivalent to a session. Two delays of more than 15 minutes will be considered as an absence.
Any unjustified absence will affect negatively students' final grade by dropping their participation grade.Participation grade will be dropped in the following way:
3 unjustified absences - 30%
4 unjustified absences - 40%
5 unjustified absences - 50%
If a student has more than 5 unjustified absences, the PARTICIPATION GRADE will zero (0).
Any student with 7 or more absences will NOT pass the course. Those students whose absences have been properly justified will get No presentado (N.P). Absences
do NOT excuse the fulfillment of tasks, papers or essays.Active Participation
The methodology used in class demands from the student a daily participation in the following aspects:
- To answer the questions done in class;
- To establish debates about the topics in class;
- To relate the actual politics with past history;
- To analyze the class slides.Criteria for Assessing Class Participation Grade
The student very often contributes with important and original comments that encourage debate, using critical and analytical arguments clearly based on reading, investigation, daily work, and class work.8.5-10
The student frequently participates voluntarily and makes valuable contributions that are generally based on reflection and daily work7-8.4
The student makes eventual comments, practically only when asked, and shows no clear interest in the course. The student does not start a debate nor shows a clear
understanding of the importance of class/homework and readings.5- 6.9
The student makes no comments at all, or makes irrelevant or distracting ones during class. This is usually a result from frequent absences or lack of preparation for the class.0-4.9
Daily Work
Daily work will be made up of a variety of assignments, readings and researches to be done after class.Exams /Presentations/Essays
There will be a Mid-term exam and a Final exam. Written or oral format could be possible as well as presentations regarding the specific features of the course.
If any student does NOT take an exam, deliver a paper or attend to any presentation, they will get a grade of zero (0) in this part.Exams dates are enclosed in the attached document.
* A warning on plagiarism. When writing a research paper or an essay exam you must identify your intellectual indebtedness to the authors you have read. This can be done through footnotes, bibliography, or by making a direct reference to the scholar or author in question. Failure to do so will be considered plagiarism. Plagiarism is the most serious academic offence you can incur in and could have serious consequences for you.
- Pook, & Newall, Introduction (pp. xvii-xxi)
- Pook, & Newall, Glossary of terms (pp. 217- 227)COURSE PRESENTATION
Overview of syllabus with focus on course objectivesLooking at paintings: the analysis of a
picture. Basic artistic
elements: light and color; volume and perspective; visual perceptions.1. SPANISH MEDIEVAL ART AND THE RENAISSANCE
Impact of the Counter- Reformation on Spanish Art
2. EL GRECO Religious paintings
and portraitsThe Holly Trinity
The Martyrdom of St. Maurice Christ Carrying the Cross3. THE BAROQUE
PERIODBasic characteristics and an overview of the works of Ribera, Murillo and Zurbarán
5. "I see you seeing me, in you I see myself seen and I see you seeing yourself being seen" Or What is hidden in Las Meninas
Reading behind Velázquez's paintings Velazquez's masterpieces at Prado:
Earthly vision of Gods, Court Jesters and Royal PortraitsVelázquez as a court painter
Official portraits and Historic works Customs and mythology6. NEOCLASICISM
The Neoclassic period and the new tendencies in architecture, sculpture, and painting
Goya before being GoyaCartoons for the Royal Tapestry
Popular topicsThe Wedding
The Wine Harvest8. GOYA
An intruder in the CourtPortraits, the Majas and the Black Paintings
The Dream/Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters
Goya´s drawing and engraving albums9. THE END OF TRADITIONAL LANGUAGE
Introduction toThe change of the century; new trends: Impressionism,
Avant-Garde and its understanding tools
Related terms
Avant-garde, contemporary, cubism, dada, expressionism, functionalism/function, futurism, installation/installation art, ism, mass culture/mass, movement, pop/pop art/popular, primitivism, psychoanalysis/psychology, surrealism.10. "A painting is an addition of destructions"
Picasso and the stages of Cubism"Every child is an artist. It's a challenge to remain an artist when you grow up". -Picasso Artistic and personal stages, interest and styles
Surrealism, Dali?s artistic and personal stagesThe Automatic Writing and
Process of Images A movie without plot: Surrealism and Cinema
Final Exam ReviewCourse content review
Course content review
Course Disclaimer
ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits are converted to semester credits/quarter units differently among U.S. universities. Students should confirm the conversion scale used at their home university when determining credit transfer.
Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations