Course Description
Course Name
International Marketing
Host University
Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
Madrid, Spain
Area of Study
Peace and Conflict Studies
Language Level
Taught In English
Contact Hours
45 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits3
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units4
Hours & Credits
Course: International Marketing
Course Number: CM2124
ECTS credits: 6
Prerequisites: NoneDescription
The International Marketing course is intended to help students understand the complexities of marketing products and services in the international market environment.
This course uses an analytical approach to the complex business problems concerning the dynamics of implementing marketing management into the framework of the global marketplace. The emphasis will be on applying a multi-disciplinary framework to help students understand the challenges that confront strategic marketing planners when evaluating economic, financial, political, regulatory, social-cultural, and technological issues they are involved in international-market strategic planning and strategic implementation.
Real-world case studies are key to develop this understanding in students who will acquire an understanding in applying some of the various market analysis approaches that are employed in multi-national organizations, including forecasting, trend analysis, country data sets, and more and prepare written reports and oral presentations about their observations and recommendations.
Course Objectives
The course will examine the specific issues involved in developing and implementing marketing strategies that can be successful in the global scenario. Differences in carrying out marketing operations in an international as opposed to a ?domestic? scale will be pointed out.
Attention will be focused on:
- Identifying and evaluating opportunities that arise in international markets via an appropriate analysis and selection of countries.
- Developing marketing strategies in the international arena.
- Adapting marketing tactics to the specific needs & constraints in national markets.
- Managing diversity and ethical issues in the global context.The course also aims at making students able to understand how differences among regions affect the conduct of marketing in the global scenario, as well as how companies can successfully manage opportunities risks inherent in global marketing strategies and operations.
Specifically, the course is designed to:
- Think critically about various facets of global competition.
- Familiarize with problems and perspectives of doing marketing internationally.
- Assist in acquiring the skills necessary to analyse, assess, design and implement marketing strategies and programs that transcend national boundaries.Educational activities will be developed by means of different didactic strategies:
- Theory and Practice.
- Collective and individual tutoring.
- In-class presentations.
- Daily assignments.
- Team work assignments
- Workshops and additional training.
- Extra-curricular activities.Team Work Assignments and In-Class Presentations
Team work assignments will be made by students, associated to the material given in class and/or to the outdoor activities. Teams will be arranged randomly by the professor the first week. The information about the specific topic and the guidelines to make successfully every assignment will be delivered to the students prior to the day of the in-class presentation.
A paper and an in-class presentation will be required to pass all the assignments.- Paper: two (2) pages, double-sized, double space.
- In-class presentation: teams will be required to make a presentation about the topic of 10 minutes net minimum: a PowerPoint presentation (or similar) will be required.
- Presentations are scheduled in the calendar that will be uploaded to the Virtual Campus or delivered to the students.
- Absence to one (1) assignment presentation will diminish 30% the grade of this assignment. The second absence, 60%. The third absence will represent the full lack of interest of the student and the grade of his/her assignments of this course will be ”zero (0)”.
The course syllabus is based on the core principles of procedure conception and constructive acquisition of knowledge. The methodology is based on the teaching-learning procedures, focused on the learner, which encourages active participation and results in the development of general and specific competencies that provide knowledge, capacities and attitudes for their future professional careers.
Form of Assessment
The form of assessment is based on the core principles of the educational assessment, i.e., an active and participative teaching-learning process focused on the learner. The instructor uses numerous and differentiated forms of assessment to calculate the final grade received for this course. For the record, these are listed below. The content, criteria and specific requirements for each assessment category will be explained in greater detail in class.
The final grade consists of three parts: class participation, daily work and exams
o 33% Active in-class participation and attendance: Discussions ? Exercises - Homework.
o 33% Daily work & assignments.
o 34% Mid-Term Exam & Final Project.
Grading Scale goes from 0 to 10.Numerical Grade Range
Letter grade Percentage
10 A+ 100%
9.5 -9.9 A 95 -99%
9 - 9.4 A- 90-94%
8.5 - 8.9 B+ 85-89%
7.5 - 8.4 B 75-84%
7 - 7.4 B- 70-74%
6.5 - 6.9 C+ 65-69%
6 - 6.4 C 60-64%
5 - 5.9 C- 5-59%
0-4.9 F 0-49%Attendance Policy
- Attendance is compulsory. Absences do NOT excuse the fulfillment of tasks, papers or essays.
- An absence is equivalent to a session. Two late arrivals of more than 15 minutes will be considered an absence.
- Any unjustified absence will negatively affect the students’ final grade by lowering his/her participation grade.
- If a student has more than 5 absences, the PARTICIPATION GRADE will be zero (0).
- Any student with 7 or more absences will NOT pass the course. Those students whose absences have been properly justified will get No presentado (N.P).
Important:- As some business trips of the professor might occur along the course, students would be notified in advanced and instructions about would be given with the goal of preventing from disturbances and changes that might affect the course.
- Outdoor activity/classes plays a relevant role in the Nebrija International programme: since it is sometimes difficult to count with the engagement of some institutions, students would be given in advance data regarding such activity.
Active Participation
The methodology used in class demands from the student a daily participation regarding the following:
- Debates about different topics.
- Questions posed in class.
- Opinions and comments.
- Documents and texts.Criteria to evaluate participation grade:
The student very often contributes with important and original comments that encourage debate, using critical and analytical arguments clearly based on reading, investigation, daily work, and class work.
8.5 - 10
The student frequently participates voluntarily and makes valuable contributions that are generally based on reflection and daily work.
7 - 8.4
The student makes eventual comments, practically only when asked, and shows no clear interest in the course. The student does not start a debate nor shows a clear understanding of the importance of class/homework and readings.
5 - 6.9
The student makes no comments at all, or makes irrelevant or distracting ones during class. This is usually a result from frequent absences or lack of preparation for the class.
0 - 4.91. Mobile phones will not be allowed in class.
2. Students will be allowed to use laptops only in the event of being used to enhance their attention: other purposes will not be allowed, will represent a lack of interest of the student and will have an impact on the final grade.
3. As a general rule, students attention is not necessarily strengthened when eating & drinking in class… as the Autumn in Spain is the season of oranges, mandarines, persimmons, grapes and other delicious fresh fruits, crucial in a healthy eating, fruits will be welcome... well above junk food!.
Slides and readings assigned/delivered session by session.Readings:
Readings will be provided by the teacher. The library of the University also subscribes to the following useful publications: The Wall Street Journal, The International Herald Tribune, Newsweek, Time, The Economist, Expansión, Cinco Días, Gaceta de los Negocios...General Reference:
Philip R.Cateora, Mary C. Gilly, John L. Graham. International Marketing- McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Last edition.
I. Alon & E. Jaffe, Global Marketing. Contemporary Theory, Practice and Cases, McGraw Hill, 2012Virtual Campus
The university offers a virtual platform (Blackboard) where students can revise contents, do their tasks and interact with the other members of the group.
The virtual campus will be the online meeting point between students and professor where the material given in class, instructions, assignments, announcements and others will be uploaded… but electronic mail is still a useful online tool of communication well above Social Media, WhatsApp and others.
Since some announcements done by the professor in the virtual campus reach automatically the students Nebrija email accounts, you are encourage to connect your private email account to the Nebrija email account at your disposal.
Course Disclaimer
ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits are converted to semester credits/quarter units differently among U.S. universities. Students should confirm the conversion scale used at their home university when determining credit transfer.
Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations