Online Marketing in the Digital Era

Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Online Marketing in the Digital Era

  • Host University

    Universidad Antonio de Nebrija

  • Location

    Madrid, Spain

  • Area of Study


  • Language Level

    Taught In English

  • Course Level Recommendations


    ISA offers course level recommendations in an effort to facilitate the determination of course levels by credential evaluators.We advice each institution to have their own credentials evaluator make the final decision regrading course levels.

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    Online Marketing in the Digital Era

    Hours: 45
    Office hours: to be communicated the first day of class

    Course Description
    This course has been programmed from a comprehensive perspective so that the students will be able to gain an overall panorama of the integration of the Internet and new technologies within the global marketing strategy of the company. The main objectives of this course are that students understand, comment upon and analyze the most important aspects of digital marketing, as well as, the acquisition of general knowledge of Internet business models, the variables od the E-Marketing, the Digital marketing plan and metrics and web analytics, among others. Topics covered will include: o Web/Blog communication strategies (blogs, apps, landing pages, etc.) o Web analytics (Google analytics, Facebook and Twitter analytics) o Digital Communication (Inbound marketing, attraction marketing, animated gifs, etc.) o CRM & E-marketing (campaigns and analysis of communication results, creation and managing tools) o Social media (social platforms, community management) o Earned media (online public relations, management of SEO, WOW and viral cases) o Paid media (online and advertising campaign, advertising contracting models: CMO, CPC, CPL, CPA, CTR).

    Learning Objectives
    Students who successfully complete this course will be able to: Define specific strategies for digital marketing Implement actions and campaigns based on objectives and strategies Use the internet and new technologies as a source of information and knowledge Make suitable use of the multiple tools for measuring results, from a holistic and integrating perspective.

    Formative Activities
    Academic activities will be developed by means of different didactic strategies. These activities will represent a 30% of the final grade and will be the following:

    • Activity 1: Digital Enterprise The present activity will consist of the presentation of a business model in the digital environment. For this, it must be analyzed the market, the competition, its business models and its digital activity. Also, it will include the Business Model:
      • Canvas Business Model
      • Customer Journey
      • The consumer person
      • Market research: Online surveys
      • Competition analysis
      • Value proposal
    • Activity 2: Traffic attraction actions. The team work will consist of the creation of a project website, and the realization of a mailing, among other things. It will include the following activities:
      • Website
    • Activity 3: Email-marketing campaign: individual work will consist of carrying out an email marketing campaign with the tool MailChimp. 
      • MailChimp
    • Activity 4: The team work will consist of the design and implementation of a strategy in social networks:
      • Facebook page
      • Twitter profile
      • Social network campaign
      • Editorial plan 
    • Activity 5: Digital Marketing Campaign. The present team activity will consist of a digital marketing plan that will include the following aspects: 
      • Objectives, Strategies and Tactics 
      • Mobile application

    The majority of the course syllabus follows the main methodological guidelines of the Communicative Approach, based on the core principles of procedure conception and constructive acquisition of knowledge. The methodology is based on the teaching-learning procedures, focused on the learner, which encourages active participation and results in the development of general and specific competencies that prove knowledge, capacities and attitudes for their future professional careers.

    The form of assessment is based on the core principles of the educational assessment, i.e., an active and participative teaching-learning process focused on the learner. The instructor uses numerous and differentiated forms of assessment to calculate the final grade received for this course. For the record, these are listed below. The content, criteria and specific requirements for each assessment category will be explained in greater detail in class.

    Grading system
    In the Spanish educational system, it is required to quantitatively express the result of each student’s evaluation. In order to do so, Nebrija faculty uses different strategies and instruments such as: papers, exams, tests, projects, selfevaluation activities, etc. In order to issue a final grade for the Spanish Plus programs the following scale is established:

    • 30 % Attendance and active participation in class
    • 30% Daily work/ Papers/ Essays
    • 40% Exams/ Final papers or projects*

    Therefore, the final grade is the average between attendance and participation, daily work and exams, presentations, projects and essays. Active participation in class is evaluated by means of different activities such as:

    • Activities and exercises correction;
    • Reflection upon the different contents in the course;
    • Oral activities (individual, in pairs or in groups). Fluency, correction, adequacy and r elevance are taken into account;

    Daily work makes reference to any activity or task that is done inside or outside of the classroom, whether during the class time or at any other time.

    Exams/ Final papers or projects
    The course includes a midterm and a final written exam on theoretical concepts and course facts. If a student, unjustifiably, does not do or submit an exam, paper or project, it will be graded with a ‘0’.
    * A minimum grade of 5 must be obtained in a final exam/ final project in order to pass the course.

    Warning on plagiarism
    When writing a University paper or essay and reference is made to certain authors, it is mandatory to cite them by means of a footnote or a direct reference. In no case it is acceptable that a student uses a text, no matter how brief it is, written by somebody else without putting it in inverted commas, as this means s/he is trying to make it look as his/her own. This is called plagiarism and in a university context it could be penalized with expulsion.

    Basic bibliography

    • Chaffey, D y Ellis-Chadwick, F. Marketing digital 5ed. Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. Pearson.
    • Enge. E, Spencer, S, Stricchiola, J (2015). The Art of SEO. O'Reilly.
    • Goodman, A. (2011). Google AdWords (2a.ed.) McGraw-Hill España
    • Hanlon, A., Akins, J (2009). Quick Win Digital Marketing. Oak Tree Press. 
    • Sepúlveda, H. (2009). CRM: customer relationship management. El Cid Editor | apuntes.
    • Weber, L. (2010) Marketing to the Social Web. McGraw-Hill Interamericana.

    Complementary bibliography

    • Ellis, S. Lean for Marketing Startups: Agile product Development, Business, Model Design, Web Analytics and other keys. Ed Hyperlink, 2012.
    • Elosegui, E y Muñoz, G. (2015) Marketing Analytics. Como definir y medir una estrategia online. Madrid: Ediciones Anaya Multimedia.
    • Osterwalder, A. (2011). Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers.


    For a PDF version of this syllabus, please contact your ISA Madrid Site Specialist.

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations


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