Spanish Art and Architecture

Universidad de Málaga

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Spanish Art and Architecture

  • Host University

    Universidad de Málaga

  • Location

    Málaga, Spain

  • Area of Study

    Architecture, Art History, European Studies

  • Language Level

    Taught In English

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    1. Introduction

    Art is an individual an a cultural expression and, as such, pieces of art and artists can be seen as reflections
    of their culture throughout time. Therefore, the study of art movements and artists is one way to learn from a
    society and its culture. The works of El Greco, Velázquez, Goya and Picasso are paramount in the history of
    Spanish, as well as Western, Art. This course will help students to understand artistic value in the sociohistorical
    context in which it was created. The course is organized in a way that helps students develop their
    knowledge about art from the very beginning. It starts by offering a short introduction on how to analyze
    paintings. Then it moves on to artistic movements and artists, explained by the lecturer. Finally, the students
    themselves create presentations on artists and topics chosen by the lecturer.

    2. Course Objectives
    The main objective of this course is that students learn how to differentiate, as well as appreciate, the great
    Spanish painters -El Greco, Velázquez, Goya and Picasso- and how they influenced and were influenced by
    their social and cultural environments. Another important goal is that students learn to appreciate art in
    general and paintings in particular.
    All this will be achieved through theoretical and practical classes, with slide shows and documentaries in the
    classroom. Therefore, no book or any other kind of material will be needed for this course. The lecturer will
    provide students with all the material needed for a better understanding of the course content.

    3. Syllabus
    1.- How to Analyze Paintings
    2.- Introduction to Painting in Spain Before the 16th Century.
    3.- Mannerism. Doménikos Theotokópoulos "El Greco".
    4.- The Baroque. Diego Rodriguez de Silva Velazquez.
    5.- Neoclassicism and Romanticism. Francisco de Goya and Lucientes.
    6.- 20th century. Pablo Ruiz Picasso "The Genius."
    4. Bibliography:
    -Aznar Almazan, Sagrario and Alicia Cámara Muñoz. Historia del Arte. Universidad Nacional
    de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, 2002.
    -Connel, Evan S. Francisco Goya: A Life. Counterpoint, New York, 2004.
    -Day, Fergus; Kandlish, Louise; et al (eds.) Art Book: Velazquez. Dorling Kidersley, London,New York, Sidney, 1999.
    -Giorgi, Rosa. Art Book: El Greco. Dorling Kidersley, London, New York, Sidney, 2000.
    -Graham-Dixon, Andrew, narr. BBC The Art of Spain: The Dark Heart. BBC 4, 2008. DVD.
    -Graham-Dixon, Andrew, narr. BBC The Art of Spain: The Moorish South. BBC 4, 2008. DVD.
    -Graham-Dixon, Andrew, narr. BBC The Art of Spain: The Mystical North. BBC 4, 2008. DVD.
    -Hugh, Robert, narr. Goya: Crazy Like a Genius. BBC 4, 2002. DVD.
    -?ngo, G. Walther (ed.). Picasso. Taschen, Cologne, 1992.
    -Kruger, Anna (ed.). Art Book: Goya. Dorling Kidersley, London, New York, Sidney, 1999.
    -Levey, Michael. From Giotto to Cézanne: A Concise History of Painting. Thames and Hudson,
    London, 1962.
    -Marlow, Tim, narr. The Great Artists: El Greco. The Seventh Art Productions, 2001. DVD.
    -Marlow, Tim, narr. The Great Artists: Velázquez. The Seventh Art Productions, 2001. DVD.
    -Scholz-Hänsel, Michael. El Greco. Taschen, Cologne, 2002.
    -Schneider Adams, Laurie. A History of Western Art. McGraw-Hill, New York 2011.
    -Sooke, Alistair. Modern Masters: Picasso. BBC, 2010. DVD.
    -West, Simon and Tim Piggot-Smith, narr. The Private Life of a Masterpiece: Diego Velázquez,The Rockby Venus. BBC 2, 2002. DVD.
    -West, Simon and Tim Piggot-Smith, narr. The Private Life of a Masterpiece: Francisco Goya,The Third of May 1808. BBC 2, 2004. DVD.
    -West, Simon and Tim Piggot-Smith, narr. The Private Life of a Masterpiece: Pablo Picasso,Les Demoisalles d'Avignon. BBC 2, 2004. DVD.

    5. System of evaluation
    5.1 Attendance and Participation (20%)
    - To show interest during the lectures
    - Appropriate commentaries and questions during the lectures
    - Taking part in class activities
    5.2 Written and Oral assignments (40%)
    5.2.1 Midterm Essay: A five to six-page essay on a topic suggested by the lecturer. The essay has to be
    written in MLA format. (20%)
    5.2.2 Oral Presentation: A 15 to 20-minute presentation on a topic suggested by the lecturer. After the
    presentation, students will have to give to the lecturer a document with the bibliography used for the
    presentation. (20%)
    5.2.3 Exams (40%) Midterm exam: The exam is divided into two parts: short questions and analysis of paintings. The
    short question part has ten questions, of which students have to answer only five, with answers two to five lines long. The analysis of paintings part has two paintings. You only have to analyze one of them, and you should do so in both a scholarly and a personal way. (20%). Final exam: The exam is divided into two parts: short questions and analysis of paintings. The short question part has ten questions, of which students have to answer only five, with answers two to five lines long. The analysis of paintings part has two paintings. You only have to analyze one of them, and you should do so in both a scholarly and a personal way. (20%)
    5.2.4. Equalization of grades
    94-100 A // 90-93 A- // 85-89 B+ // 80-84 B // 75-79 B- // 70-74 C+ // 65-69 C // 60-64 C- // 55-59 D+ //
    50-54 D // -50 F

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Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.


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