Communicative Activities

Universidad de Salamanca

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Communicative Activities

    Course Required
  • Host University

    Universidad de Salamanca

  • Location

    Salamanca, Spain

  • Area of Study

    Linguistics, Spanish

  • Language Level


    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    General Objectives
    ? Learn how to involve oneself in daily conversations.
    ? To interact in a simple form
    ? Understand small texts, both oral and written
    ? Begin writing simple texts

    1. Who?s who?
    A. Practice: Auditory comprehension. Oral expression
    B. Functions: To greet and present oneself both formally and informally
    C. Grammar and Vocabulary: Te presonto a?/ Mira, éste/-a es?Encantado/-a, mucho gusto, hola, ¿que tal?

    2. The man of my dreams.
    A. Practice: Oral expression. Auditory comprehension. Written expression.
    B. Functions: Describing people
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: SER/ESTAR/LLEVAR/TENER. Parts of the body. Qualifying adjectives. Correspondence.

    3. Today I could not get out of bed.
    A. Practice: Oral expression. Auditory comprehension
    B. Functions: Discussing mental and physical states.
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: Doler, tener fiebre, tos, Estar bien/mal/enfermo

    4. Are we going to the movies?
    A. Practice: Auditory comprehension. Oral expression.
    B. Functions: How to invite people. How to accept or decline an invitation.
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: ¿Te apetece + infinitivo? ¿Querer + infinitivo? ¿Vamos?? ¿Vienes?? Present indicative

    5. Where are we meeting?
    A. Practice: Oral expression. Written expression. Auditory comprehension.
    B. Functions: Making an appointment. Setting up the time. Setting up a place.
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: Quedar con? en? a?

    6. What are you going to drink?
    A. Practice: Written expression. Oral expression. Auditory comprehension.
    B. Functions: Ordering at a restaurant
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: Tomar, reservar, mirar la carta, comidas y bebidas

    7. How does it look on me?
    A. Practice: Auditory comprehension. Oral expression. Giving opinions
    B. Functions: Describing objects. Expressing likes and preferences.
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: Quedar bien/mal. Verbo gustar. Ropa, tallas y colores. Ponerse/vestirse. Desnudarse/quitarse. Llevar?

    8. And you, what are you dressing up as??
    A. Practice: Oral Exression, written expression
    B. Functions: Speak of the future
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: The future (ir + infinitive). DE. Names of professions and activities.

    9. Answering the phone
    A. Practice: Oral Expression, listening comprehension
    B. Functions: Answering the phone. Asking for someone. Leaving a message.
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: Verb ESTAR. Proper expressions of phone conversation. ¿Sí? ¿Dígame? ¿Está?? ¿De parte de quién?

    10. Can I borrow a pen?
    A. Practice: Auditory comprehension. Oral expression.
    B. Functions: To ask for permission. To ask a favor.
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: ¿Puedes + infinitivo? ¿Me dejas?? ¿Me prestas?? ¿Me das?? Tu y usted.

    11. Where is the Plaza Mayor?
    A. Practice: Auditory comprehension. Oral expression.
    B. Functions: Locate in the area. To ask and give directions.
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: Interrogatory pronouns. Spatial localizations.

    12. What should we do this weekend?
    A. Practice: Auditory comprehension. Oral expression.
    B. Functions: Make plans and arrange projects. Express intentions.
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: The future. Trips, free time.

    13. Things I like
    A. Practice: Oral expression. Auditory comprehension.
    B. Functions: Express likes and preferences. Express agreement and disagreement.
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: Verbo GUSTAR y afines. A mí también, a mí tampoco.

    14. What happened to you?
    A. Practice: Reading comprehension. Oral expression. Written expression.
    B. Functions: Speak of the past.
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: Imperfecto/ indefinido. Adverbios de tiempo. Un día/ una vez, entonces, de repente?

    15. Hello, how are you?
    A. Practice: Reading comprehension. Written expression.
    B. Functions: To write a letter.
    C. Grammar and vocabulary: Parts of a letter: encabezamiento, despedida? Organization of the information. Greetings and farewells.

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Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.


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