Spain's Classical Heritage: Between History and Mythology

Universidad de Sevilla

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Spain's Classical Heritage: Between History and Mythology

  • Host University

    Universidad de Sevilla

  • Location

    Seville, Spain

  • Area of Study

    European Studies, History

  • Language Level

    Taught In English

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    The main goal of this course is to give students an overview of Spain's Classical heritage. The course pays special attention to Phoenician, Greek and Roman presence in Spain, not only from a historical point of view, but also taking into account the mythological construction of Spain´s past and key cultural traditions. The course also explores Spain's religious background, mainly the long process of Christianization of Southern Spain.

    The course is divided in classes and field trips that will be key elements in helping the student to have a clearer perception of each historical period.

    The program is divided as follows:

    1. Eastern traders and warlords in Spain: Phoenicians and Carthaginians.
    2. Travelling Heroes: Greeks and their myths in Spain.
    3. The coming of Rome and the creation of Hispania: Conquest and cultural changes.
    4. Pagans and Christians: the long process of Christianization of Spain.

    The classes are combined with the following field trips:

    1. Sevilla. Roman remains in Seville. The old city in the Alfalfa and Encarnación area. Pagan Temple of Calle Mármoles. 4 hours.
    2. Sevilla. Roman remains in Seville. The river and the ancient port. The foundation of the Cathedral. Early Christian temples and the Iglesia del Salvador. 4 hours.
    3. Archaeological Museum of Seville. 4 hours.


    There will be two exams, one mid-way through the course and the other at its conclusion. These two exams are 80 % of the final grade. Attendance to all activities is compulsory and it will be checked daily. Participation in class and during field trips is extremely important (up to 20 % of the final grade).


    Almagro Gorbea, M., Ruiz Zapatero, G. (ed.), Los Celtas: Hispania y Europa, Madrid 1993.
    Alvar, J., Blázquez, J.M. (ed.), Los enigmas de Tarteso, Madrid, Cátedra 1993.
    Aubet, M.E., Tiro y las colonias fenicias de Occidente, Barcelona, 1994.
    Bermejo, J., Mitología y mitos de la España Prerromana, Madrid 1982.
    Blázquez, J.M., Alvar, J., González Wagner, C., Fenicios y cartagineses en el Mediterráneo
    Occidental, Madrid, 1999.
    Caro Baroja, J., Los pueblos de España, Madrid 1976.
    Codoñer Merino, C. "Los escritores hispanos cristianos", en Historia de España (R.
    Menéndez Pidal. Dir. J.M. Jover) t. II vol. II, Madrid, 1982, pp. 523 ss.
    Chaves, F. (ed.), Griegos en Occidente, Sevilla 1992.
    Díaz-Andreu, M. y Keay, S., The Archaeology of Iberia. The Dynamics of Change, Londres,
    Domínguez Monedero, A., Los griegos en la Península Ibérica, Madrid, Arco-Libros. 1996. Cursos concertados con Universidades Extranjeras 2014-2015. Guía académica
    López Paz, P. La ciudad romana ideal. El territorio, Santiago de Compostela, 1994.
    Neville, A., Mountains of Silver & Rivers of Gold. The Phoenicians in Iberia, Oxford, 2007.
    Richardson, J. S., Hispaniae, Spain and the Development of Roman Imperialism , 218-82
    BC, Cambridge, 1986.
    _____, The Romans in Spain, Oxford, 1998.
    Rodriguez Cortés, J. Sociedad y religión clásica en la Bética romana, Salamanca, 1991.
    , 1991.

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