Social Psychology (in English)

Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Social Psychology (in English)

  • Host University

    Universidad Pablo de Olavide

  • Location

    Seville, Spain

  • Area of Study


  • Language Level

    Taught In English

  • Course Level Recommendations


    ISA offers course level recommendations in an effort to facilitate the determination of course levels by credential evaluators.We advice each institution to have their own credentials evaluator make the final decision regrading course levels.

    Hours & Credits

  • ECTS Credits

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    Course Description
    This course is designed to offer a comprehensive introduction to social psychology as an
    applied science to study how people influence each other’s thoughts, feelings, and
    behaviors. We will explore and examine its core questions from both a theoretical and an
    applied basis.

    Course Goals and Methodology
    The main goal of this course is to understand what social psychology is; how this field of
    study has evolved into the current state of knowing; and how students can apply social
    psychology concepts to their own lives and experiences. The course combines lecturebased classes with a case study methodology. We will dedicate three classes to each unit.
    Every unit begins with several core questions, which gives way to class conversation and
    discussion. The instructor will present the theoretical contents of each unit in two lecturebased classes. In the third class of each unit, following a flipped classroom methodology,
    the students will prepare and present a number of case studies previously assigned by the
    instructor. Finally, each unit concludes with a self-check quiz and a number of broader
    questions to check students’ progress and understanding are going well, and make sure
    students are prepared for the assessments across the course.

    Learning Objectives
    By the end of the course, students will:
    ● Explain what social psychology is and what social psychologists do
    ● Analyze important questions about social thought and behavior
    ● Apply social psychology concepts to their own lives and experiences
    ● Understand how our self-perceptions are influenced by others, and how we adjust
    our social self to influence others
    ● Explain social cognition as a combination of intuition and logic to process social
    ● Understand how attitudes and persuasion work within the social world
    ● Explain how groups provide social and practical benefits to individuals, and analyze
    how groups can both help and hinder individual efforts
    ● Describe how prejudice and discrimination emerges, and apply methods of
    prejudice reduction
    ● Explain general motives for why helping and aggressive behaviors occur
    ● Discuss, compare and contract different “attachment styles” and what this means in
    intimate relationships

    Required Texts
    There is no textbook required for this course. Therefore, students are not expected to
    purchase any material. The instructor will post the class material (Google Slides, case
    studies handouts, in-class worksheets, announcements, links, and any additional reading)
    on Blackboard, which is accessible both on campus and off campus. To log in, you need to
    sign in on using the username and password you received in
    your orientation folder.
    However, the contents of the course are mainly based on the following two textbooks:
    ● Heinzen, T. E., & Goodfriend, W. (2018). Social psychology. Los Angeles; London;
    New Delhi; Singapore; Washington DC; Melbourne: Sage.
    ● Heinzen, T. E., & Goodfriend, W. (2019). Case studies in social psychology critical
    thinking and application. Los Angeles; London; New Delhi; Singapore; Washington
    DC; Melbourne: Sage.
    Additional bibliography:
    ● Alquist, J. L., Ainsworth, S. E., Baumeister, R. F., Daly, M., & Stillman, T. F. (2015). The
    making of might-have-beens: Effects of free will belief on counterfactual thinking. Personality
    and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41, 268–283.
    ● Bordens, K. S., & Horowitz, I. A. (2014). Social psychology. Solon, OH: YOLO Learning
    Solutions Group.
    ● Brummelman, E., Thomaes, S., & Sedikides, C. (2016). Separating narcissism from selfesteem. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 25, 8–13.
    ● Doğan, R. (2014). Different cultural understandings of honor that inspire killing: An inquiry
    into the defendant’s perspective. Homicide Studies, 18, 363–388.
    ● Doliński, D., Grzyb, T., Folwarczny, M., Grzybała, P., Krzyszycha, K., Martynowska, K., &
    Trojanowski, J. (2017). Would You Deliver an Electric Shock in 2015? Obedience in the
    Experimental Paradigm Developed by Stanley Milgram in the 50 Years Following the Original
    Studies. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8(8), 927-933.
    ● Eagly, A. H., & Wood, W. (2013). The nature–nurture debates: 25 years of challenges in
    understanding the psychology of gender. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8, 340–
    ● Gilovich, T., Keltner, D., & Chen, S. (2019). Social psychology. New York: W. w. Norton &
    ● Goluboff, S. L. (2016). Text to sex: The impact of cell phones on hooking up and sexuality on
    campus. Mobile Media & Communication, 4, 102–120.
    ● Horwitz, S. R., & Dovidio, J. F. (2017). The rich—love them or hate them? Divergent implicit
    and explicit attitudes toward the wealthy. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 20, 3–31.
    ● van Bommel, M., van Prooijen, J., Elffers, H., & van Lange, P. A. M. (2014). Intervene to be
    seen: The power of a camera in attenuating the bystander effect. Social Psychological and
    Personality Science, 5, 459–466.
    ● Zebrowitz, L. A. (2017). First impressions from faces. Current Directions in Psychological
    Science, 26, 237–242.

    Course Requirements and Grading
    In-class discussions will be encouraged at all sessions. Class participation will therefore be graded
    according to the students’ previous work and reflections about the provided material. Active
    participation means not only attendance (being there ≠ participation) but discussion with relevant
    basis (text-based and not just random personal experience and background), asking and answering
    questions in class, engaging in class discussions and conversations with classmates, questioning
    information presented and discussed. Students are also expected to actively participate in in-class
    exercises and to do some homework.
    Two examinations will be given (midterm and final), which will cover the concepts in the
    course and test conceptual and critical-thinking skills. Both exams will consist of multiplechoice, short answer, essay and/or case analysis/reflection questions.
    During the semester, students will be composing a final paper. A five-page summary and
    reflection on a social psychology applied topic that will be provided by the instructor.
    Students will be asked to write a final paper on one of the following topics:
    o Behavioral economics
    o Environmental sustainability
    o Law and the courtroom
    o Happiness and positive psychology
    o Stress and health
    o Relationship violence
    o Industrial/organizational psychology
    o Volunteerism and internships
    This paper is to be typed, double-spaced, using black 12-point Arial font. Please abide by
    the deadline set by your professor. If you submit your paper after the due date, then you
    should expect to be penalized (5% for every working day that your paper is late). Your paper
    should be clear and concise using proper concepts, correct spelling, and appropriate
    attribution for all sources. All writing is to follow the American Psychological Association
    (APA) Style for citations.

    Case Study Oral Presentation
    Students are required to prepare a 10-minute oral presentation (in pairs or small groups) on
    a case study (which will be assigned by the instructor as soon as the add/drop period ends).
    This presentation will be graded on evidence of preparation (organized presentation,
    presentation/discussion flows well, no awkward pauses or confusion, evidence you did your
    own research), content (accurate & relevant information, appeared knowledgeable about
    the case study and the topic discussed, offered strategies for dealing with the problems
    identified in the case study), delivery (clear and logical organization, effective introduction
    and conclusion, creativity, relevant transitions between the different parts of the
    presentation, oral communication skills—eye contact, well-designed presentation slides,
    use attractive, relevant and illustrative images), and discussion (presenter initiates and
    maintains class discussion concerning the case study, use of visual aides, good use of time,
    involves classmates).

    On your day to present, please arrive on time (or early, if possible) and prepared with your
    presentation (Google Slides preferred, so that you can access it from the classroom
    computer). All members of the group should be involved, both in preparing and in delivering
    the presentation. Students will be graded individually. Following each presentation we will
    spend 5-10 minutes discussing the main ideas of the case presented. All students are
    expected to participate in the discussion, but some students will be designated discussants.
    These students should make sure that they have read the case study material before coming
    to class and note potential questions and points while listening to the presentation.

    Your final grade will be calculated as follows:
    ● Participation (25%)
    ● Mid-term Exam (20%) —March, 14th
    ● Case Study Oral Presentation (10%)
    ● Final Paper (25%) —May, 9th
    ● Final Exam (20%) —TBA

    Final Grade Expectations: The instructor will use the Spanish 10-point grading scale. The
    grades that will appear on your final transcript are also Spanish grades.

    Course contents
    1. Applied Social Psychology: Social Thought and Behavior
    a. What is social psychology?
    b. What are the big questions in social psychology?
    c. Is science a valid way to learn about complex social behavior?
    2. The Social Self
    a. What is the “self”?
    b. How do we know the self is social?
    c. How do we present different selves in different situations?
    d. What is self-esteem?
    3. Social Cognition and Person Perception
    a. How do we think?
    b. From where does intuition come?
    c. How do we remember social information?
    d. How do we form impressions of others?
    e. How do we explain other people’s behavior?
    f. Why do we misjudge one another?
    4. Attitudes and Persuasion
    a. What are attitudes,and do they predict behavior?
    b. From where do they come?
    c. How do they change?
    d. What persuasion techniques are used to change attitudes?
    5. Social Influence: Conformity, Social Roles, and Obedience
    a. What types of social influence exist?
    b. Why and when do we choose to conform?
    c. How do social roles change our behavior?
    6. Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination
    a. How do we stereotype?
    b. How do stereotypes turn into prejudices?
    c. Is prejudice a personality problem?
    d. Has prejudice decreased over time?
    e. How can we reduce stereotyping,prejudice, and discrimination?
    7. Aggression and Violence
    a. What does it mean to be "aggressive"?
    b. Is aggression explained by biological instinct?
    c. Is aggression explained by cultural influences?
    d. Is aggression explained by situational influences?
    8. Help and Cooperation
    a. What motivates people to help others?
    b. Why do some people help more than others?
    c. What circumstances make helping more or less likely?
    9. Intimate Relationships
    a. What causes attraction?
    b. What makes us physically attractive?
    c. How do we decide to commit?
    d. Do men and women act differently and,if so,why?

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations


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