International Marketing

ISA Seville Study Center

Course Description

  • Course Name

    International Marketing

  • Host University

    ISA Seville Study Center

  • Location

    Seville, Spain

  • Area of Study

    International Studies, Marketing, Peace and Conflict Studies

  • Language Level

    Taught In English

  • Course Level Recommendations


    ISA offers course level recommendations in an effort to facilitate the determination of course levels by credential evaluators.We advice each institution to have their own credentials evaluator make the final decision regrading course levels.

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    USF Course Code: MAR 4156

    Prerequisite: none; taught in English.

    Students: ISA students

    Contact hours: 45

    I. Course Description: 
    This course introduces and enables students to understand the complex issues involved in commercial operations in international markets. In order to reach this aim, the course will study the different dimensions of international marketing. Special attention will be paid to the influence of cultural differences. Students will be provided the relevant material for each unit. 

    II. Learning outcomes: 
    The main goal of this course is to develop a managerial understanding of marketing in an international and cross-cultural context. More specifically, this course will:
    -    Study the differences a marketer faces when working at a domestic and international level.
    -    Examine marketing theory and practice within the cultural, political, legal, and economic environment.
    -    Provide real examples of the practices of Spanish / European companies in contrast with US cases. 
    -    Acquire the basic knowledge, concepts, tools, and international terminology necessary to understand international problems and issues
    -    Develop an understanding about what is involved in international marketing
    -    Be able to analyze foreign markets to determine their potential
    -    Recognize cultural differences in global regions and be able to analyze these differences. Analyze cross cultural variables and their impact on international marketing
    -    Develop strategies and plans for a product launch and market entry in a foreign country. Develop strategic thinking in a global environment and for global competition
    -    Know how international marketers develop pricing strategies for goods sold abroad
    -    Understand international distribution channels
    -    Understand international product life cycle and product adaptation
    -    Become more of a global citizen and learn the marketing outcomes of globalization, developing insights into how differences in the global economic, cultural, social, and political environments can affect marketing decisions
    -    Identify foreign sources of information
    -    Segmenting foreign markets. Understand the basic psychological principles of
    consumer behavior
    -    Analyze the challenge for a US firm when marketing abroad
    -    Effectively communicate marketing issues in oral presentations and written reports
    -    Work effectively as a team member within an international marketing department

    III. Course Content (order of content may be modified):

    1.1.    The marketing concept
    1.2.    Global vs. “Regular” marketing
    1.3.    Benefits of entering foreign markets
    1.4.    The importance of going global
    1.5.    The dynamic environment of the world economy. An overview. 
    1.6.    Stages of market development. 
    1.7.    Balance of payments. 
    1.8.    Forces affecting Global Integration & Global Marketing. 
    1.9.    The World Economy – An Overview
    1.10.    Economic systems. 
    1.11.    Stages of Market Development
    1.12.    Product Saturation Levels
    1.13.    Overview of International Finance

    2.1. Global organizations. 
    2.2. Trade blocks. 
    2.3. The European Union (EU)
    2.4. Mercosur. 

    3.1. COO (Country of origin) and its impact in international markets.
    3.2. The “made in Spain” effect and the Foro de Marcas Renombradas.
    3.3. Business cases: 
    3.3.1. El Corte Inglés.
    3.3.2. Succeed by knowing your customers / Zara, el éxito de (la) moda.
    3.3.2. Spanish “unicorns”. 

            3.1. Different cultures and different markets. Management orientations. 
            3.2. Social institutions, material and nonmaterial culture. 
            3.3. The basic elements of culture. 
            3.4. Cross-cultural communication.   
            3.5. International Marketing Research
                3.5.1. The Needs of International Research.
                3.5.1. International vs. Domestic research.
                3.5.2. How to research across countries. 
           Determining Research Objectives.
           Researching Foreign Market´s Potentials.
           Primary vs. Secondary Research.
    5.1. Political Risk
    5.2. Macro vs Micro Political Risk
    5.3. Relationship between Political and Economic Risk
    5.4. Conflicts between MNC and Host Governments
    5.5. Strategies to manage Expropriations/Confiscation
    5.6. Institutions of International Law
    5.7. Governmental actions to discourage imports and block market access
    5.8. Licensing and Trade Secrets
    5.9. Bribery and Corruption

    6.1. Standardization vs. adaptation
    6.2. Creating international products
    6.3. International brand names, packaging and labelling
    6.4. International warranties

            7.1. Marketing Communication Process.
    7.2. Strategy of international communication. 
                7.2.1. Traditional components of the promotional mix.
                7.2.2. Additional components of the promotional mix.
                7.2.3. Integrated Marketing Communications. 
    7.3. International Promotional Programs.
    7.4. International Advertising, Selling, Public Relations and Sales Promotions. 
    7.5. Marketing blunders. 

            8.1. Distribution channels: terminology and structure.
            8.2. Establishing channels. 
            8.3. Domestic vs. International Logistics. 
            8.4. Global Retailing. 
            8.5. International Transportation. 
            8.6. International Documentation. 

    9.1. Pricing considerations.
    9.2. Global pricing objectives and strategies. 
    9.3. Export price escalation. 
    9.4. Global pricing: three policy alternatives.
    9.5. Cost-plus pricing, gray market goods, dumping. 
    9.6. Price fixing, transfer pricing, countertrade. 

    10.1. Global market segmentation: demographics, psychographics, behavioural characteristics, benefits sought. 
    10.2. Target market strategy. 
    10.3. Positioning. 
    10.4. Positioning strategies. Global product positioning: strategic alternatives. 
    10.5. Global brands. 

    11.1 Global marketing: major trends.
    11.2 Guerrilla, ambient, stealth, buzz, word of mouth, viral, grassroots, ambush, stunt, product placement, branded content, branded entertainment, advergaming, mapping and subliminal advertising. 
    11.3. The digital revolution. 
    11.4 Living a social (media) life.
    11.5 Corporate social responsibility. 

    IV. Bibliography: 
    Along with selections from primary texts, students will be provided selections from other sources including:

    - AAVV, (2003), Publicidad que funciona, ESIC, Madrid.
    - AAVV. (2008), Trienale Desing Museum, Electa, Milano.
    - Belch, Geroge (2008), Advertising and Promotion: an Integrated Marketing Communications Perspective, McGraw Hill/Irwin, New York. 
    - Bergen Van, Jason.  6 Factors that Influence Exchange Rates. July 23, 2010.  Retrieved  August 23, 2012 from:
    - Cateora, Philip (2008), International Marketing, Tata Mgraw Hill.
    - Center for Management Research. Global Business Environment. ICMR 2004.  44-52.  
    - Curry, Jeffrey, Edmund.  A Short Course in International Marketing.  Novato, CA, USA: World Trade Press, 1999. ebray.  p. 64-79. Web. Retrieved August 23, 2012 from:
    - Friedman, Thomas (2000), The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization, Anchor Books. 
    - Graham,  Jeffrey and R. Barry Spaulding. Understanding Foreign Direct Investment. City Bank International Business Portal.  2004. Retrieved August 23, 2012 from
    - Heakal, Reem. An Introduction to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). April 10, 2010.   Retrieved August 23, 2012 from:
    - Heakal, Reem.  What is the Balance of Payments?. November 28, 2009. Retrieved  August 23, 2012 from:
    - Himpe, Tom (2006), Advertising is dead. Long live advertising!, Thames & Hudson, London.
    - Phatak V, Arvind.  International Dimensions of Management. 4th edition. South-Western College Publishing, 1995.  82-113. Print
    - Rao, P.  Subba.  International Business Environment.  Mumbai, IND: Global Media 2010. ebrary.  p.  40-53.  Web.  Retrieved August 23, 2012.
    - Rosen, Emanuel (2001), Márketing de boca en boca, Vergara Business, Buenos Aires.
    - Rivera, Jaime (2004), Marketing y Publicidad Subliminal, ESIC, Madrid. 
    - Soret, Ignacio, (2002), Historias fabulosas del Marketing, ESIC, Madrid.
    - Subhash, Jain, (2001), International Marketing Cases, South-Western, Ohio.
    - The Economist. Democracy in America.  Inequality. How much equality would you like?  August 14, 2012. New York.  Retrieved August 25, 2012 from: Web. 
    - The Economist. Demography.  A New Science of Population.  The Digressions of People Power. May 19, 2012. From the print edition.  Retrieved August 25, 2012 from:
    - Trent, Robert; Roberts, Llewellyn.  Managing Global Supply Chain and Risk: Best Practices, Concepts, and Strategies.  Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA: J. Ross Publishing Inc. , 2009. ebrary.  p.  52-59.  Web.  Retrieved on August 24, 2012 from:
    - Terpstra, Vern, (2000), International Marketing. 8th Edition. The Dryden Press.
    - The Center of Chartered Financial Analysis of India.  International Business and Marketing. March 2005.  191-201.  Print
    - Trout, Jack, (1993), Las 22 Leyes Inmutables del Marketing, McGraw Hill.
    - Usunier, Jean Claude (2000), Marketing Across Cultures, Financial Times, Harlow.
    - Vives, Albert (2005), ¡Maldita Publicidad!¸ Peninsula, Barcelona.

    V.I. How to succeed in this course?
    Achieving successfully the goals of this course require discipline and hard work on your part. Take the initiative and develop self-study habits to assure you stay on track as we will be covering a lot of material and move quickly. 

    VI. Grading scale:
    Final grades will be calculated according to the following scale:

    Grading Scale (%)
    94-100 A
    90-93 A-
    87-89 B+
    84-86 B
    80-83 B-
    77-79 C+
    74-76 C-
    70-73 C
    67-69 D+
    64-66 D
    60-63 D-
    0-59 F

    Grade dispute: 
    The deadline for claiming grades is 30 days from the receipt of the certificate at the university of origin.

    VII. Course Policies

    VII.I. Attendance: 
    Class attendance is mandatory and is taken every class day and it is reflected in the course attendance sheet.
    An 85% attendance rate is required for the successful completion of the course. Perfect attendance will be taken positively into account in the participation section. 
    If a student exceeds this limit, 1 point will be taken off of the final grade (Spanish grade). Reaching a 20% of unexcused absences means that the transcript for this subject will show “not attended course”. 
    Excused absences: Medical Certificates that will be considered only if issued by a physician (not notes from the family explaining the student’s absence). The certificates must include the exact dates for which a student should be excused for having missed classes. Courses cannot be audited, so attendance is possible only for students enrolled in a specific class. 
    Punctuality: Students are expected to arrive on time to class and to return directly to class after class breaks. Arriving 10 minutes late (or more) and/or early class departures are considered unexcused absences and will be taken into account as half an absence. 

    Attending class is not only the presence in the classroom. The professor will encourage active participation in the course and it will be taken into account as part of the evaluation.  

    Auditors: Courses cannot be taken as auditors, thus attendance is possible only for students enrolled in a specific class.

    VII.II. Conduct in class.
    Students who actively participate in classroom activities and who maintain a professional and respectful attitude will be evaluated positively. Students must not eat or use laptops during the class (unless specifically authorized by the teacher).  

    VII.III. Late work. 
    One half point will be taken off (from the learning activities grade) for homework that is submitted late repeatedly. Late assignments will be corrected but will not be graded. 
    Missing a class does not release the student from completing the homework assigned or studying the topics covered in class that day. 

    VII.IV. Make-up exams:
    If a student cannot be present for an examination for a valid reason (see V.II.) and approved by the teacher and academic direction, a make-up exam will be given. 

    VII.V. Quizzes retention:
    After quizzes are graded, the professor will review the examination with the class and collect all exams. The quizzes will be retained for one semester following the current one, and then they will be destroyed. 

    VII.VI. Academic Honesty:
    Students are expected to act in accordance with their university standards of conduct concerning plagiarism and academic dishonesty. 

    VII.VII. Special accommodations: 
    Students with special needs who require reasonable accommodations, special assistance or specific aid in this course (either for properly making-up classes, taking exams, etc.) should direct their request to Academic Coordination during the first days of the course in the case that they did not report it when submitting the Health Form. 

    Teaching staff is required to report any disclosures harassment or violence of any kind. 

Course Disclaimer

Please note that there are no beginning level Spanish courses offered in this program.

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations


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