Course Description
Course Name
Intermediate Spanish II
Host University
Florida State University-Valencia Study Center
Valencia, Spain
Area of Study
Linguistics, Spanish
Language Level
Course Level Recommendations
ISA offers course level recommendations in an effort to facilitate the determination of course levels by credential evaluators.We advice each institution to have their own credentials evaluator make the final decision regrading course levels.
3 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits0
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units0
Hours & Credits
It is essential to have enrolled in SPN 2220 and have an elementary level of proficiency in Spanish.TEXTS:
Punto y aparte. Foster and Lambert
Various Photocopies from Professor!!!!
Spanish-English Dictionary (required and purchased in Valencia)COURSE DESCRIPTION:
This is course in conversation, reading, and writing in Spanish. Focus is directed towards those students that have an elementary level in the Spanish Language while speaking, reading, writing, and listening. The objectives for this course are: style, fluency, velocity, pronunciation, clarity, and acquiring a vast and profound vocabulary from various contexts.ATTENDANCE:
1. Class Attendance is obligatory.
2. No absences are permitted.
3. Obligatory attendance on the Madrid and Pyrenees Trips.
4. Coming to class drunk, hung over, or to taking a nap results in an absence.
5. For every absence and instance of lateness, the student must explain his/her motives to the professor.
6. Speaking in English lowers the overall grade by 3%
7. Each absence and instance of lateness affects the overall grade by 5% points. For example:In each circumstance (unexcused absence,tardiness), the professor reserves the right to lower the final grade 5 percentage points.
Example: 95% A ? (2 absences x 5): 95% A ?10%= 85% B
Slang Book 10%
Oral Exam 15%
Interviews 15%
Quizzes 30%
Compositions 30%CLASS RULES:
1. No food, soft drinks, or coffee in the class room.
2. Bottled water is permitted.
3. No hats, handkerchiefs, or bandanas to be worn in class.
4. No coming to class in pajamas.
5. No wearing of flip flops on all class excursions.
6. No speaking while the professor or a fellow colleague is talking.
7. Spanish only in Class!!!!!
8. No make ups of quizzes, exams or work unless official documentation is provided.
Each student will maintain a slang book throughout the whole semester. It should contain all words, expressions, and idioms that they learn from their encounters with people outside of class. The professor will collect it at mid semester and at the end of the semester.Interviews:
During the session students will do 4 interviews with local native speakers. You may not interviews anyone affiliated with FSU in any capacity. You will come up with a series of 4 questions and you will record their written response to them. Please, get the folowing: the name of the person, their occupation, age, and where they are from.QUIZZES:
There will be quizzes on all grammar concepts presented in class and from the readings. In addition, there will be quizzes on vocabulary learned from the readings, the instructor, or any words written on the board. Take good notes and be attentive.COMPOSITIONS:
Students will write TWO compositions. The theme of the composition will be chosen by the professor, and will be written in class with the aid of a dictionary and nothing else. Student will be graded on content, organization, vocabulary, and grammar.Oral Exam
The oral exam will take place at the end of the semester. The exam will cover a variety of topics and themes discussed throughout the semester. The students will be graded on comprehensibility, content, vocabulary, and pronunciation.GRADING SCALE:
100-95 A; 94-92 A-; 91-89 B+; 88-85 B; 84-80 B-; 79-77 C+; 76-74 C; 73-70 C-;
69-67 D+; 66-64 D; 63-60 D-; 59-0 FADA POLICY:
Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center of their home campus. Moreover an official letter must be given to the instructor and the Student Services Dept. of FSU Spain indicating the need for accommodations and what type. This must be done the first week of instruction.ACADEMIC HONOR SYSTEM:
Students are expected and required to abide by the Academic Honor System as outlined in the FSU General Bulletin.PLEASE NOTE:
The professor reserves the right to make pedagogical changes as unique opportunities and needs arise throughout the semester.I have read the syllabus for SPN 2240 and understand what is expected of me.
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Signature Date
Course Disclaimer
Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.
Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.
Some courses may require additional fees.
Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations