Basic Marketing Concepts

Florida State University-Valencia Study Center

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Basic Marketing Concepts

  • Host University

    Florida State University-Valencia Study Center

  • Location

    Valencia, Spain

  • Area of Study

    Marketing, Peace and Conflict Studies

  • Language Level

    Taught In English

  • Course Level Recommendations


    ISA offers course level recommendations in an effort to facilitate the determination of course levels by credential evaluators.We advice each institution to have their own credentials evaluator make the final decision regrading course levels.

    Hours & Credits

  • Credits

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    Course Description:
    This course involves an examination of: (1) the role of marketing in the firm, (2) the way managers use marketing to obtain a better performance in organizations, (3) how to know the consumers? preferences through market research activity (4) implement a real-life marketing action. The course will be based on cases, in order to offer a practical point of view.

    Required Course Materials:
    Book: Pride & Ferrell, MARKETING, 2008 (14th) edition. Ed. Houghton Mifflin Company
    Complementary material will be given out at class when necessary,
    Recommended additional resources: The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Business Week.

    ***Please note that books are subject to change. Do not purchase books prior to registering through FSU as the most up-to-date book list will be provided at that time.

    Course Objectives:
    1. Understand the role of Marketing in the economy.
    2. Understand the basic elements of marketing for organizations: marketing mix or 4p?s.
    3. Understand the complex set of environments within which firms conduct international business (including the legal, political, economic and cultural environments) and the adaptation of the marketing function to all kind of contexts.
    4. Understand the role of the market research
    5. Conduct a real-life example on market research

    In order for you to meet these objectives it will be necessary for you to attend class and other class activities when they meet. Class meets two days per week with the instructor. You will be allowed up to two (1) unexcused absences with no questions asked. Excused absences are the following: participation in a scheduled event as a member of a university-sponsored athletic/scholastic team (official absence form required); religious holidays; accident or illness (accident report or FSU health/doctor's note required); or a death in the immediate family.
    ***Students are responsible for making up all work missed during absences. Students may not make up graded work for unexcused absences. Students must be sure to arrive on class on time! Two ?lates? equals one absence.
    *Each unexcused absence after the first two will reduce the final grade number by one letter grade. (e.g., if you were to receive an A- ??. your final grade would be B+ instead)
    *Excuses for absences must be submitted within one (1) week of the time of return.

    Disabled Students:
    Students with disabilities needing academic accommodations should register with and provide documentation to the Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) and bring a letter to the instructor from the SDRC indicating a need for academic accommodations (or do similar appropriate actions as required at FSU?s Valencia Study Center). This should be done the first week of classes. This syllabus and other course materials could be available in alternative format upon request.

    Course Instruction:
    The class sessions will consist of lectures, debates, discussions of readings and cases, films, out-of-class visits, guest lecturers, in-class exercises and out-of-class exercises. Class participation is essential for your and others? understanding of these concepts. Classes will not cover all the material in the text; we may only discuss a few concepts in depth and/or the application of these concepts. However, all information in the text is important. You?re expected to read the assigned material before class and be prepared to participate in the discussion.

    Course Evaluation:
    Except in the case of excused absences or extreme extenuating circumstances the following will be the policy of this class: 1) late assignments will not be accepted, 2) there will be no "make-up's" of quizzes or examinations, 3) no quizzes or exams will be given early.
    1. Class performance (10%): Your attendance, interest, enthusiasm and contribution in every class meeting will be observed. You MUST have the material read before class, and people will be called at random to discuss the readings, homework assignments and writing assignments. Students should turn in homework assignments in the format and date discussed in class. It may includes, sometimes, to present a chapter o part of it during the class by teams.
    2. Group case analysis and presentations, homework (50%):
    Students will be divided into small teams and will be assigned a case to lead, write up and do presentation during different sessions along the course.
    Student teams will submit a detailed outline or presentation and use visual aids (Power Point, handout or others). The instructor will establish the format and presentation dates.
    The best papers and presentations are those that comprehensively address the major issues using concise and appropriate language, combining good topic information and good presentation skills. You are expected to utilize outside materials, such as the Internet to supplement your analysis. When utilizing outside materials, always cite the original author and provide appropriate references!
    3. Examinations (40%): Examinations will consist of objective questions covering in-class lectures and discussions, assigned readings, in-class and out-of-class exercises. Exams will be a combination of multiple choice, true/false, short questions and essay questions. The dates for the exams will be listed on the Course Outline. There are mid-term and final exams. Success on the exams requires close reading of the text and other course materials.
    Trips: We?ll take various trips to observe or use different businesses and how they work. Please expect to be flexible and travel from Campus from time to time and find your way downtown.
    Class performance (10%)

    Group Case analysis, homework (50%)

    Exams (40%):
    Grading Scale:
    94-100 A
    90-93.9 A-
    87-89.9 B+
    83-86.9 B
    80-82.9 B-
    77-79.9 C+
    73-76.9 C
    70-72.9 C-
    60-69.9 D
    00-59.9 F
    The final grade in this course will be determined from the following components:

    Academic Honor Code
    Honors Statement:
    The Academic Honor system of Florida State University is based on the premise that each student has the responsibility (1) to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in the student's own work, (2) to refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the University community, and (3) to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of the University community.
    Students are expected to uphold the Academic Honor Code published in The Florida State University Bulletin and the Student Handbook.

    - This class meets two (2) days per week in the classroom or outside the classroom. Some assignments will be completed outside of class.
    - Please be aware of the fact that this is a "flexible" syllabus and, due to pedagogical considerations, it may be necessary to modify it during the course of the semester. Any changes, however, will be minimal.
    - It is possible that students in this class may be recorded or video taped in the course of the semester for purposes of evaluation of either class assignments or of the teacher.

Course Disclaimer

Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.

Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.

Some courses may require additional fees.

Availability of courses is based on enrollment numbers. All students should seek pre-approval for alternate courses in the event of last minute class cancellations


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