Course Description
Course Name
Nutrition and Dietetics
Host University
Universidad Católica de Valencia
Valencia, Spain
Area of Study
Nutrition and Food Science
Language Level
Taught In English
3 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits0
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units0
Hours & Credits
Duration and temporal location within the curriculum: The module is
structured in three subjects that are taught in the first, second and third years,
with the majority of the subjects taught in the first and second.Previous Requisites: None established
a. To know the nutritional problems among the current population, the epidemiological factors
responsible for them, and the measures used to promote healthy nutrition.b. To know the difference between Nutrition and Dietetics, and to gain the necessary
knowledge about food to be able to elaborate a normal diet.c. To provide adequate knowledge for Nursing professionals in Primary Care to be able to
carry out Nutrition programmes in Nursing clinics.d. To be able to elaborate balanced diets for a person of any age group, regardless of their
health status.CROSS-SECTIONAL COMPETENCIES Competencies
1. To base interventions in nursing on scientific evidence and on the available means
2. To promote healthy life spans, to promote patient self-care and support the maintenance of preventive and therapeutic measures
3. To understand the systems of information related to healthSPECIFIC COMPETENCIES
4. To know and evaluate the nutritional needs of normal persons as well as patients throughout their vital cycle to promote and reinforce healthy eating habit
5. To identify nutrients and food stuffs in which these are present
6. To identify nutritional problems with the highest prevalence and to select the pertinent dietetic recommendationsLEARNING OUTCOMES
LO-1 To know how to search for scientific articles and documents on evidence based nursing related to the theoretical contents of the course COMPETENCIES:1, 2, 4,
LO-2 To recognise healthy life spans and to be able to make recommendations to improve the above
COMPETENCIES: 2, 4, 5, 6
LO-3 To learn about the different nutrients and to identify which foods contain them
COMPETENCIES: 1, 2, 4, 5,
LO-4 To recognise the different systems of heath information in the community, in specialised care and in Public Health, to evaluate the nutritional status of the population.
LO-5 To recognise the nutritional needs of healthy population, and the nutritional problems with the highest prevalence during the different stages of life, and to recognise the nutritional needs in each case.COMPETENCIES:1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6ASSESSMENT SYSTEM FOR THE ACQUISITION OF THE COMPETENCIES
Assessment Tool:WRITTEN TEST
Awarded Percentage:65%Assessment Tool:INDEPENDENT WORK
Awarded Percentage:12%Assessment Tool:GUIDED WORK
Awarded Percentage:10%Assessment Tool:PRACTICAL CLASSES
Awarded Percentage:8%Assessment Tool:ATTENDANCE
Awarded Percentage:5%The student will need to be awarded a 3 out of 6,5 on the written test (45%) and 50% on
the rest of the parts of the course.
Mention of Distinction: It will be awarded to students who have achieved a minimum of 95% in
the total assessment. The other 5% will only be awarded only if the student obtains 100% in the
independent activities, being decided by the teacher of the subject and according with the legal
percentage.Assessment criteria:
To be able to pass, it will be compulsory to:
o Do a presentation of the group work
o Pass both theory and practical exams
o Be awarded a minimum of 5 over 10 in each part.
- The WRITTEN TEST will consist of written questions and multiple choice questions. 1 negative
mark for 3 incorrect answers. It will represent 65% of the final grade.
o The student will have to submit all the practical activities
o The student will need to obtain a passing mark in the written test to be able to add the
rest of the parts
o The final written theory test will be carried out at the end of the semester. It will
consist of two parts, short written answers and multiple choice answers
- INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES will be of practical nature and will be different in each unit. The
presentation of the work of each unit will amount up to 12% of the final grade:
o Weekly food intake diary to study individual and group eating habits
o Quantitative and qualitative diet assessment
o Bibliographic research of scientific articles on Nutrition and their analysis
o Nursing activities aimed at carrying out a nutritional status assessment
o Nutrient calculation to balance a diet
o Questionnaires about theory concepts on the virtual platform
o Platform forums on current topics of interest related to the subject
o SUPERVISED GROUP WORK will be consist of two group works, and will be 10% of
the final grade.
o Groups of five will carry out different units of the course subject with supervision by
the teacher.
o Groups of five will carry out a ?corner work?. Each group will explain in corners their
- The scientific reference list will be cited according to Vancouver or APA style.
- Assessment criteria:
o Contents
o Selection of the information presented
o Reference selection
o Concept and ideas specificity
o Correct grammar, spelling and syntax
o Correct development and structure of contents
o Cooperation and organization within the team
o Student interest In lecturer?s guidance to carry out the work
- The work will be submitted prior to the presentation for the lecturer to assess
Course Disclaimer
Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.
Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.
ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) credits are converted to semester credits/quarter units differently among U.S. universities. Students should confirm the conversion scale used at their home university when determining credit transfer.