Course Description
Course Name
Modern History of Chile
Host University
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Valparaíso and Viña del Mar, Chile
Area of Study
History, International Studies, Latin American Studies, Political Science
Language Level
High Intermediate
Contact Hours
76 -
Recommended U.S. Semester Credits5
Recommended U.S. Quarter Units7
Hours & Credits
The course offers a general perspective on Chilean history, with an emphasis on the processes of change. In terms of methodology, the course includes perspectives and varieties of analysis of the country?s social, political, and economic history.
? Analyze from a global perspective the history of Chile in the 19th and 20th centuries, with an emphasis on the processes of change.
? Reflect on the diverse historiographical perspectives on the large processes of Chilean history.
? Discuss and investigate a historical process from a bibliographic and documentary perspective.Contents:
1. Geographic Vision of Chile
a. The passage and the occupation of space
b. The evolution of the borders of Chile2. Colonial Society
a. Socio-cultural evolution and structure of colonial Chile. 18th Century.
b. Change and continuity in colonial economy and society.3. The Process of Independence
a. The process of decolonization. The crisis of the Spanish Monarchy.
b. Construction of the state and the nation.4. Construction of the State and the Nation, 1830-1861
a. Evolution of Chile?s political institutions, 1830-1861
b. Cycle of economic expansion and social transformation
c. Cultural growth. Institutions and education.5. Peak and Crisis of the Oligarchic System, 1861 ? 1935
a. Consolidation of liberalism, 1861-1891
b. Political conflicts in the system. Church and State.6. Construction of a New Political Order 1925 - 1938
a. International context of the period
b. Economic cycles
c. Socio-cultural transformation. Middle classes and the culture of the masses.
d. Crisis and transformation of the oligarchic system7. Exclusive Political Projects, 1947 ? 1973
a. International Context, 1947-1973
b. Tendencies and tensions. From the Ibáñez government to Alessandri.
c. The Frei Project and the revolution in liberty
d. Project of the political party "Popular Unit"8. Crisis of Democracy and Military Regime, 1973 -1989
a. The Crisis of 1973
b. Phases of the military regime: installation, consolidation, and crisis.9. Democratic Transition and Consolidation, 1989 -2006
a. Shift towards democracy, 1989 ? 1994
b. Democratic consolidation, 1994 ? 2006
c. Social, economic, and cultural change in Chile todayMethodology and Evaluation:
The subject uses a methodology of analysis and discussion of the themes put forward by teachers and students.
Evaluation will consist of 2 exams (35% each) and one research paper (30%).
1. Angell, Alan, Chile de Alessandri a Pinochet: en busca de la utopia, Andres Bello. Santiago, Region Metropolitana de Santiago. Chile, 1993.
2. Arriagada, Genaro, Por la razon o la Fuerza: Chile Bajo Pinochet, Sudamericana. Santiago, Region Metropolitana de Santiago. Chile. 1998.
3. Aylwin, Mariana y otros, Chile en el Siglo XX, Planeta. Santiago, Region Metropolitana de Santiago. Chile. 1990.
4. Collier, y Satter, Willaim, Historia de Chile 1808-1994, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Inglaterra, 1998.
5. Drake, Paul, Socialismo y Populismo en Chile, Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaiso. Valparaiso, Region de Valparaiso. Chile, 1992.
6. Edwards, Alberto, La fronda Aristocratica, Universitaria. Santiago, Region Metropolitana de Santiago, 1991.
7. Gazmuri, Cristian, Eduardo Frei Montalva y su epoca. Aguilar. Santiago, Region Metropolitana de Santiago. Chile. 2000.
8. Gorgora, Mario, Ensayo Historico Sobre la Nicion de Estado en Chile en los Siglos XIX y XX. Universitaria. Santiago, Region Metropolitana de Santiago. 1998.
9. Moulian, Tomas, Chile Actual. Anatomia de un Mito, LOM. Santiago, Region Metropolitana de Santiago. Chile. 1998.
10. Stuven, Ana Maria, Una aproximacion a la Cultura Politica de la Elite Chilena: Concepto y Valoracion del Orden Social, Estudios Publicos 66, 1997.
11. Urzua, German, Historia Politica de Chile y su Evolucion Electoral, Juridica de Chile. Santiago, Region Metropolitana de Santiago. Chile. 1992.
12. Valenzuela, Arturo, Los Origenes de la Democracia. Reflexiones Teoricas Sobre el caso de Chile, Estudios Publicos, 12, 1983.
13. Valenzuela, Arturo Origenes y Caracteristicas del Sistema de Partidos en Chile, Estudiose Publicos 18, 1985.
14. Valenzuela, Samuel, Origenez y Transformaciones del Sistema del Sistema de Partidos en Chile, Estudios Publicos 58, 1995.
Course Disclaimer
Courses and course hours of instruction are subject to change.
Eligibility for courses may be subject to a placement exam and/or pre-requisites.