Colombia through Music

Universidad EAFIT

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Colombia through Music

  • Host University

    Universidad EAFIT

  • Location

    Medellín, Colombia

  • Area of Study

    Latin American Studies, Music

  • Language Level


    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    Course description:

    Music, as a cultural expression, is the way to learn about the social features of a group,
    which creates, listens, lives and enjoys it.
    To get to know Colombia through its music is to approach the multiculturalism and the
    conflicts derived through history. Also through music we can think about ourselves as a
    nation, about our characteristics as society and about features related to the
    construction of our identity.
    Therefore, this course invites to discuss about our popular and academic traditions, looking for the students to approach in a different way to their daily music repertoire and unfrequented music.

    Course objective:

    This course deals about historical, social and cultural processes that have built what
    Colombia is today, and therefore, through its music, students can recognize our
    traditions, both already appropriated or part of our imagination.


    30% Assessment. 3 quizzes, 10% each. Different subjects
    25% Mid - term 1. Written assessment.
    25% Mid - term 2. Oral presentation related to Popular and Traditional Colombian
    m u s i c .
    Bambuco, Pasillo, Cumbia, Porro, Guabina, Bullerengue, Alabao, Currulao, Bunde,
    Joropo, Mapalé, Chirimía, Merecumbé, Rajaleña, Carrilera, Contradanza, Galerón,
    Torbellino, Vallenato, etc.
    20% Final work. Written research work with an oral sustentation related to social,
    political and cultural event during a specific period of our history


    Benjamin, Walter. (2008) La obra de arte en la época de la reproductividad técnica, en:
    Ob r a s , L i b r o I , Vo l . 2 , Ma d r i d : Ab a d a .
    Bermudez, Egberto. (2000). La Música en Santa Fé y Bogotá 1538-1938. Bogotá:
    E d i t o r i a l d e M ú s i c a .
    Cortés Polania, Jaime. (2004). La música Popular Colombiana en la colección Mundo al
    d í a ( 1 9 1 4 - 1 9 2 8 ) . B o g o t á : U N
    Duque, Ellie Anne. La vida musical en Bogotá, en: Gaceta, No 37. Diciembre de 1966
    p p . 4 2 - 5 5
    Duque, Ellie Anne. (2005) El Granadino: la música en las publicaciones periódicas
    colombianas (1848-1860), Bogota: Fundación Música.
    Elias, Norbet.(1989). El proceso de la civilización: investigaciones sociogenéticas y
    psicogenéticas. Mexico: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    Gil Araque, Fernando y Jaramillo, Carlos Mario. (2007).Temas con variaciones,
    Medellín a través de su música. Medellín:Universidad EAFIT-ATEI
    Isaza Velasquez, Alejandra. (2009).Suite para los sonidos: Música en Medellín, Siglos
    XVI I y XVI I I . Medel l ín: Universidad EAFIT.
    Ochoa Escobar, Juan Sebastián y otros. (2010). Música y Prácticas Sonoras del
    Pacífico Afrocolombiano, Bogotá: Universidad Javeriana.
    Pardo Tovar, Andrés. (1966).La Cultura Musical en Colombia, en: Historia Extensa de
    Colombia, Volumen XX, Tomo 6, Academia Colombiana de Historia. Bogotá: Ediciones
    L e r n e r .
    Perdomo E, José Ignacio. (1963). Historia de la música en Colombia, 3 ed., Bogotá:
    E d i t o r i a l A B C .
    Rodriguez Á, Luis Carlos.(2007). Músicas para una región y una ciudad: Antioquia y
    Medellín 1810-1865, aproximaciones a algunos momentos y personajes. Medellín: IDEA
    Wade, Peter. (2002). Música, Raza y Nación.Bogotá: Vicepresidencia de la República

Course Disclaimer

Some courses may require additional fees.

Credits earned vary according to the policies of the students' home institutions. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, students must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by their home institutions, for the duration of the program.

Please note that some courses with locals have recommended prerequisite courses. It is the student's responsibility to consult any recommended prerequisites prior to enrolling in their course.


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