Colombian Literary Studies

Universidad EAFIT

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Colombian Literary Studies

  • Host University

    Universidad EAFIT

  • Location

    Medellín, Colombia

  • Area of Study

    Latin American Studies, Literature, Spanish

  • Language Level


    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    Course description:

    A subject of particular importance in literary studies is, of course, Colombian literature,
    which cannot be reduced to a few seminal authors or an abbreviated list of texts, but on
    the contrary, offers a spectrum of voices and movements that come from a diversity of
    notions that require to be studied attentively. Even if in recent years Gabriel García
    Márquez's work has been considered the main subject of study, this does not prevent
    other literary affluences from being looked at, or for Colombian literature to be abridged
    to the genres of novel, short story and journalistic chronicle. Beyond focusing on the
    works of the most recognized writers, this course will offer the opportunity to enquire
    about women, afro-Colombian, and indigenous literatures. It will also be the place to
    recognize the role that literary genres such as drama, poetry, and essay have played in
    Colombian literature when seen from different theoretical perspectives.

    Course objective:

    To recognize and understand the changing aspects and main traits of Colombian
    literature throughout its history.


    First midterm: 25%
    Class Participation: 10%
    Second midterm: 25%
    Final Exam: 40%


    ACOSTA, Carmen Elisa; et-al. Leer la historia: caminos a la historia de la literatura
    colombiana. Bogotá: UNAL, 2007.
    9.2. LÓPEZ Velásquez, Germán. Delirios de la Literatura Colombiana. Pereira:
    Ediciones Mefisto, 2006.
    9.3. GARCÍA Márquez, Gabriel. “La literatura colombiana. Un fraude a la nación”. El
    tiempo. Lecturas Dominicales. Bogotá, 21 de enero, 1979, p. p. 4-6.
    9.4. FAJARDO Valenzuela, Diógenes. Coleccionistas de nubes. Ensayos sobre literatura
    Colombiana. Bogotá: Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 2002.
    9.5. ÁLVAREZ Gardeazábal, Gustavo. La novela colombiana, entre la verdad y la
    mentira. Bogotá: Plaza y Janés, 2000.
    9.6. ARISTIZABAL, Montes, Patricia. Escritoras colombianas del siglo XIX: Identidad y
    Escritura. Cali: Universidad del Valle, 2007.
    9.7. _________________________. Panorama de la narrativa femenina en Colombia en
    el siglo XX. Cali: Universidad del Valle, 2005.
    9.8. NAVIA, Carmiña. La mujer: Protagonista en la narrativa colombiana. Editorial El
    Buho. Colombia. 1992.
    9.9. _____________. La narrativa femenina en Colombia. Grupo de Estudio discurso,
    género y literatura. Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad del Valle. Santiago de
    Cali. 2000

Course Disclaimer

Some courses may require additional fees.

Credits earned vary according to the policies of the students' home institutions. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, students must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by their home institutions, for the duration of the program.

Please note that some courses with locals have recommended prerequisite courses. It is the student's responsibility to consult any recommended prerequisites prior to enrolling in their course.


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