Foreign Trade Management

Universidad EAFIT

Course Description

  • Course Name

    Foreign Trade Management

  • Host University

    Universidad EAFIT

  • Location

    Medellín, Colombia

  • Area of Study

    Business Administration, International Business, Management, Peace and Conflict Studies

  • Language Level

    Taught In English

    Hours & Credits

  • Contact Hours

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units
  • Overview

    The subject of "Foreign Trade Management" will allow students to have a holistic view
    of the different aspects, requirements, and complexities that foreign trade entails,  whether from public or private entities; from multinationals to SMEs. More and more companies are looking to enter the international markets, carrying out export and/or import operations, in order to achieve greater competitiveness in their businesses. Consequently, the market requires professionals in International Business who demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to lead the foreign trade area  in a  private, public, or own company.


    Develop in the student a holistic view of the different aspects, requirements, and complexities involved in foreign trade well sea from public and private entities; from multinationals to SMEs.


    Generic Competencies
    Adaptation to different contexts, Creative thinking, Appropriation of technological tools, Strategic Analysis

    Specific Competences

    Formulation of internationalization processes, Execution of  internationalization processes, Management of the internationalization process

    Learning Outcomes
    Competence: Adaptation to different contexts

    Identifies different behavior patterns in different environments Interprets behaviors in context
    Adjusts his behavior to the context in which he is.

    Finds the value in the difference and integrate dissimilar behaviors to his Competence: Creative thinking
    Identifies the problem in a given situation.

    Proposes new and coherent ideas for the solution of the identified problem Recognizes opportunities present in the problems for their use
    Manages the necessary resources for the implementation of innovative actions Competence: Appropriation of technological tools
    Knows the general and specific technological tools to the discipline of international business
    Chooses and apply the most appropriate technological tools to solve specific problems   of your profession
    Effectively uses the chosen technological tools Integrates the technological tools to solve problems Competence: Strategic analysis
    Identifies the different factors that make up a phenomenon

    Extracts useful information based on the detailed study of the phenomenon Recognizes a problem in the phenomenon studied
    Contrasts different sources of information to choose a course of action Chooses the most appropriate course of action to face a problem

    Competence: Formulation of internationalization processes

    Defines specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and deadline goals (SMART)   Identifies key resources for the achievement of previously defined objectives
    Recognizes business opportunities with an international approach based  on  the  analysis of the environment
    Knows the different mechanisms and strategies of internationalization

    Proposes the internationalization path that best fits the organization and  the environment
    Participates in internationalization decision-making processes taking into account the current legal framework
    Competition: Execution of internationalization processes

    Recognizes the different elements that facilitate and hinder the process of internationalization
    Implements the internationalization path formulated in accordance with the objectives    set
    Selects and / or assigns the appropriate resources for the implementation of the internationalization process
    Launches the internationalization process in compliance with current legal requirements Competence: Management of the internationalization process
    Plans the procurement of resources for the operation of the internationalization process Follow up on the internationalization process
    Manages the resources assigned to the internationalization process Solves problems inherent to the internationalization process
    Evaluates the results obtained from the internationalization process implemented Proposes improvement actions for the internationalization process

    5.1.    Unit 1: Global Environment of the Foreign Trade and the entities that support the operations of Foreign Trade

    5.1.1.    Public and international entities

    5.1.2.    National and international Private Entities

    5.2.    Unit 2: Means of Payment
    5.2.1.    Basic concepts

    5.2.2.    Payment method classes and their application

    5.3.    Unit 3: Export  Management

    5.4.    Stages of Exporter  process
    5.4.1.    Planning within the export process

    5.4.2.    The internal analysis of the Exporter Plan

    5.4.3.    Market intelligence of the Exporter  Plan

    5.4.4.    The Plan of Action of the Exporter  Plan

    5.4.5.    Export types and export channels

    5.4.6.    The export of services

    5.4.7.    Foreign exchange operations

    5.5.    Unit 4: Import Management

    5.6.    Stages of the Import Process
    5.6.1.    Classification of imports

    5.6.2.    Reasons to import

    5.6.3.    Transportation and insurance

    5.6.4.    Market Research / Suppliers

    5.6.5.    Legal and commercial tools

    5.6.6.    Entities participating in the process

    5.6.7.    Nationalization process

    5.6.8.    Documentation

    5.6.9.    Foreign Exchange

    5.6.10.    Foreign Exchange operations in Import

    5.7.    Unit 5: Risks in International Trade
    5.7.1.    Variables that form the risk factor

    5.7.2.    Types and classes of risks

    5.7.3.    Control and risk system

    5.7.4.    International insurance

    5.8.    Unit 6: Certifications and Traceability Sistem
    5.8.1. ISO 9000, 14000, 18000, 26000

    5.8.2.    Basic Norm

    5.8.3.    Nimf15

    5.8.4.    Certifications for special cargo

    5.8.5.    Traceability system and management indicators

    5.9.    Unit 7: Management Skills in Foreign Trade

    Management of human resources selection of suppliers Information Technologies


    The methodological and didactic strategies that will be used in class are:

    Assignment of readings prior to the class session (the document is in Eafit interactiva), Master class, Workshops, Research¿and investigations, Written exams, Permanent practice, in which they are doing with models of companies created by  students,  activities that correspond to the work of real companies.


    The methodology is focused on master classes and laboratory practice in databases    and the internet. Subject that is taught in class, a subject that must be practiced in a fictional creation company of each student.
    The subject is designed for a weekly class of three hours which is equivalent to a time    of 48 hours of face-to-face dedication and the student for the adequate achievement of the competencies, must allocate at least 48 additional hours of non-contact work for a total of 96 hours. academic work hour for the subject.


    Global Environment of Foreign Trade and the entities that support Foreign Trade operations. 3 Hours.
    Class N. 1: Presentation of the subject and Trade Institutions. 3 Hours. Export Management. 24 Hours.
    Class N. 2: Planning within the export process, export plan: Export Management. Class N. 3, 4: Market intelligence of the export plan.
    Class N. 5: Market intelligence of the export plan and Plan of action of the export plan. Class N. 6: Export Process.
    Class N. 7: Export Process - Documents.

    Class N. 8: Means of payment and exchange operation. Class N. 9: Types of export and export of services.
    Import Management. 15 Hours.

    Class N. 10, 11: Market study for imports. Class N. 12: Import process nationalization. Class N. 13: Import process documents.
    Class N. 14: Types of import. Risks in International Trade.
    Class N. 15, 16: Exchange operations and risks in trade. Certifications and Management Skills in Foreign Trade. 3 Hours. Class N. 17: Certifications and Management Skills in Foreign Trade.

    7.    RESOURCES

    7.1.    LOCATIVE

    Classroom and library

    Video beam, computer and Internet
    7.3.    DIDACTIC

    Presentations with slides, Web pages, Concept maps, Workshops, case analysis


    The evaluation criteria will be defined under the academic regulations of the university,  so as a follow-up there will be 5 evaluation activities between face-to-face and non-face-to-face which will be equivalent to 70% of the final grade and the remaining  30% will correspond to the final activity.
    All the evaluation activities will be based on criteria of practical application of processes carried out in import and export companies.
    The evaluation activities will be as follows Midterm exam: (20%)
    Exporting  plan: (10%)

    Export  process (15%)

    Import process: (15%) Advance final work: (10%) Final exam: (30%)

Course Disclaimer

Some courses may require additional fees.

Credits earned vary according to the policies of the students' home institutions. According to ISA policy and possible visa requirements, students must maintain full-time enrollment status, as determined by their home institutions, for the duration of the program.

Please note that some courses with locals have recommended prerequisite courses. It is the student's responsibility to consult any recommended prerequisites prior to enrolling in their course.


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