Undergraduate Research

What is Euroscholars?

EuroScholars is a prestigious study abroad program designed for talented and highly-motivated undergraduate students looking to participate in international research. EuroScholars participants identify an on-going project and join a research team at one of the renowned research universities that make up the EuroScholars Consortium. Students work with their home and host universities to develop a "learning agreement" for their time abroad, which gives each student the opportunity to create a program that is tailored to their unique experience, interests and degree requirements.

Learn more about EuroScholars and explore potential research projects.

ISA and Euroscholars

ISA is the sole EuroScholars North American recruiting and admissions partner. Interested students work with ISA to learn more about the program and receive guidance throughout the application process. Upon acceptance into a specific research project, pre-departure logistics (such as housing and visas) will be actualized between the student and the host university.

Once on site, EuroScholars students receive guidance and support from their host institution coordinator and research project supervisor. At the end of the EuroScholars program, host university transcripts are sent to ISA. ISA's Academic Records department sends one official transcript to the student's home university and one unofficial photocopy to the student's permanent home address.

Getting Started

  1. Meet with your study abroad advisor on campus to talk about course approval, research project approval, initial paperwork needed for your institution, and financial aid options.
  2. Find at least three projects of interest on the EuroScholars.eu website.
  3. Ensure you meet the program requirements: the general requirement for this program is a 3.4 cumulative GPA. Some specific projects may list additional requirements in their project descriptions.
  4. Check deadlines for the program to which you are applying. The application deadline for the fall semester is April 1st, and the deadline for spring is October 1st.
  5. Contact ISA for guidance on completing your application! Our phone number is (512) 480-8522. You can also email us at euroscholars@studiesabroad.com.

When you feel prepared, begin the EuroScholars application process here. 


Interested in a summer research experience? Check out ISA’s research internships.

Looking to combine courses + research at a host university? You can pursue research at an ISA host institution.


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