Community Health

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

Course Description

Community Health is a branch of medicine that is concerned with the health of the members of a community. The emphasis in community medicine is on the early diagnosis of disease, the recognition of environmental and occupational hazards to good health, and the prevention of disease in the community. It provides comprehensive health services ranging from preventive, promotive, curative to rehabilitative services. It focuses on the health problems of communities, as well as on those of individuals who are part of the community. This discipline is the key factor to achieve health for all.

This program allows students interested or involved with health care, the opportunity of experiencing cultural immersion while acquiring the Spanish language and engaging in hands-on field work in community health. Students will be able to combine Medical Spanish classes while working alongside Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia's physicians in clinics and health centers in low-income areas.

Students will receive 32 hours of theoretical classes dedicated to Community Health and work 32 hours at one of the many health establishments associated with the program.


Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:
• Understand the organizational structure of the health system and the role of primary care health facilities.
• Describe the activities carried out in a primary care health facility and in a marginal urban community, identifying the way in which both are linked in the task of preserving and restoring the health of the community in the context of the Comprehensive Care Model by Life Course.
• Explain the community organizations that work with the primary care health facility.
• Share their experiences in a primary care facility and in the community it serves.
• Identify the management components of a primary care health facility.


• Health System, Organization of the Ministry of Health. Integrated Health Networks (RIS).
• Organization of the Health Facility. Scope of work, type of activities. Characteristics, general functions, service producing units and problem-solving capacity of first level health establishments. Description of a Health Establishment: Human Resources, Infrastructure, Equipment, Organization. Portfolio of Services.
• TELEHEALTH. Telemedicine, Operational definitions. Flowcharts.
Fieldwork activities:
Presentation to the Head of the establishment and to the care and administrative staff. Recognition of the health establishment. History of the establishment. Location of the Establishment within the Health Network, Diagnosis of the establishment's resources: infrastructure, equipment, personnel. Functions and activities carried out in the First Level health establishment. Organizational chart of the establishment. Community plan. TELEMEDICINE (Teleorientation, Teleinterconsultation)

• Comprehensive Health Care Model by Life Course for the person, family and community (MCI). Components of the MCI.
• Packages by Life Courses of the Person: Comprehensive Care for Children, Comprehensive Care for Adolescents
• Packages by Life Courses of the Person: Comprehensive Care for Young People, Comprehensive Care for Adult Women and Men - Pregnant Women, Comprehensive Care for the Elderly
• Pregnant Care
• Health Strategies. Registration instruments, types: technical and administrative. Differences in registration instruments according to objectives. Goals and Indicators. Formats. ESN for Immunizations. ESN for Sexual and Reproductive Health, ESN for Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV ..
• Health Strategies. Registration instruments, types: technical and administrative. Differences in registration instruments according to objectives. Goals and Indicators. Formats. ESN for Non-Communicable Damage (DM2 - HTA), Eye Health - ESN for Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis. ESN for Prevention and Control of Metaxenic Diseases and others. ·"

Fieldwork activities:
Management of a First Level Health Establishment. Administrative Systems: Head, Accounting, Personnel, Logistics and administrative support system: Pharmacy, Statistics. Operational Aspects of Comprehensive Health Insurance (SIS). Membership, Types of Insurance.
CARE IN OFFICE 1: Life Course Medicine Office.
Women's Health Office (Obstetrics): (Family Planning and Monitoring of Low Risk Pregnant Women)
Nursing Office. Child Care (CRED and ESNI).
Metaxenic Diseases: (Dengue), Zoonosis, Tuberculosis, Mental Health, STI - HIV AIDS Non-Communicable Diseases, HIS Registration Instrument and Single Care Format (FUA).


• Management of a First Level Health Establishment. Administrative Systems: Head, Accounting, Personnel, Logistics and administrative support system: Pharmacy, Statistics HIS Format,
• Operational Aspects of Comprehensive Health Insurance (SIS). Affiliation, Types of Insurance, Reference and Counter-reference System.

• Diagnosis of social actors. Diagnosis of community organizations, civil society and the state. Non-formally differentiated elements of the Health System. Community and its historical background. Health Promotion: Background and conceptual aspects. Healthy Communities, Healthy Lifestyles. Relationship with health determinants. Use of Family Form
Fieldwork activities:
The practice teachers will show the use of the formats that are worked on in the UPCH practice to PREPARE the Diagnosis of social actors. Diagnosis of community organizations, civil society and the state. Use of Family Form – Comprehensive Home Visit
1. List of Community Base Organizations: Territorial and Functional. (FORMAT A1).
2. Community Health Agents (FORMAT A2) (Promoters, Community Health Agents, Traditional Midwives)

3. Intersectoral and Civil Society Institutions: (FORMAT A3) Churches, Educational Centers, Police Stations, Municipal Agents, etc. Clubs and other organizations.
4. Sectoral and Civil Society Health Institutions. (FORMAT A4) Clinics, Medical Centers, Polyclinics, Offices, Pharmacies, Opticians.
5. Public and Private Educational Institutions (FORMAT A5). Wawahuasis, IEIs, Schools, Institutes, Universities, public and private

• Natural History of the disease: Pre-Pathogenic, Pathogenic and post-Pathogenic Stage. Epidemiological Chain.
• Levels of prevention: Primordial, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary Prevention
• Epidemiology in a First Level Health Establishment. Health Situation Analysis (ASIS). Epidemiological surveillance. Immediate notification, weekly notification, negative notification.
Fieldwork activities:
Epidemiology in a First Level Health Establishment. Epidemiological surveillance. Immediate notification, weekly notification, negative notification. Case study. Analysis of the Health Situation of a first level health establishment. LOCAL ASIS.
Management of a First Level Health Establishment. Administrative Systems: Management, Accounting, Personnel, Logistics and administrative support system: Pharmacy, Statistics. Operational Aspects of Comprehensive Health Insurance (SIS). Affiliation, Types of Insurance.

For this course the following learning methodologies will be used:
Theoretical Classes
The professor will be guided by an expository method with the help of Multimedia devices. The student will find a large amount of theoretical information in selected readings, in order to have basic elements that guide class discussions, encouraging prior reading.
Field practices
The practical activities will be carried out in health facilities of the first level of care located in the District of San Juan de Lurigancho, with easy accessibility and in an urban area, where undergraduate students of the Faculty of Medicine usually carry out their practices in the Introduction to Clinical and Community Health courses.
These establishments have had teachers from the Faculty of Medicine for years and have an adequate and proactive work environment for teaching. In addition, there are selected communities that are accessible and close to the health center where the Basic Health Teams carry out their extramural activities.
Non-classroom activities
The student will be in charge of reviewing selected topics and readings to complement the information given in classes in the areas of Epidemiology and Public Health, health management, as well as for the preparation of field work reports.
The course will be taught in Spanish.

Attendance to the course is mandatory. The student with an unjustified absence from more than 20% of the activities of this course will be failed for non-attendance.
The course grades will be expressed from 00:00 to 20:00, with 11:00 being the minimum grade for passing the course.
The final grade will be obtained according to the following weighting:

• Field Work: Tutor Evaluation 50%: P1 + P2 + ….. + P8) / 8 = [X] Field Work
• Final Report: 20%
• Final Exam: 30%:

The practical activities will be evaluated through a Performance Evaluation rubric. The following will be considered:
1.- Knowledge. 2. Relationship and integration of knowledge with practical activities. 3.- Answer to questions. 4.- Verbal Communication: Treatment, respect and kindness with your own classmates and tutors. 5.- Confidence in your interventions.

To be approved in the course, it is required to pass separately both the evaluation of theoretical knowledge and performance, for which a minimum grade of 11.00 must be obtained in each aspect.
Unjustified absence of 20% or more (or justified absence of 30% or more) of academic activities (classes, practices, etc.) is cause for failure of the course and disqualifies the student from taking exams.
Only those students who have passed the performance evaluation, but have failed their grade for theoretical knowledge of the course will have the right


  • Course Name

    Community Health

  • Sessions Available

  • Host University

    Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia

  • Location

    Lima, Peru

  • Area of Study

    Global Health, Health Science, Public Health

  • Language Level


    Hours & Credits

  • Credits

  • Recommended U.S. Semester Credits
  • Recommended U.S. Quarter Units

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